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CValley Xtream Path 1.6 for Adobe Illustrator
Новость от: Sanchezzz
Просмотров: 2861
Xtream Path - набор разнообразных инструментов, фильтров и эффектов, упрощающих черчение и редактирование траекторий в Adobe Illustrator. С помощью этого плагина вы сможете редактировать именно те участки траектори, которые вам нужно отредактировать. Данный плагин включает в себя 36 инструментов, фильтров и эффектов, дающих вам гибкость и четкость при редактировании траекторий, которые вам необходимы при использовании Adobe Illustrator. Если вы используете изо дня в день Adobe Illustrator, то наверняка делаете по-меньшей мере несколько редактирований траекторий. Редактирование траекторий бывает очень утомительным и долгим процессом, а вам нужно сделать это быстро и немного проще. Для этого и разработан данный плагин, который облегчит и ускорит редактирование траекторий за счет сокращения шагов, которые вы проделывали наедине с Adobe Illustrator.
Have you ever wished that you could directly edit a path segment? Now with Xtream Path, you can drag anywhere on a path without fiddling around with direction lines and control points. Boasting 36 useful tools, filters, and effects, it gives you the flexibility and accuracy you need in using Illustrator. A Revolutionary way to manipulate paths If you use Illustrator day in and day out, you surely do at least some path editing. Editing paths can be tedious and time consuming and you may have wished that if it could be a little bit simpler. Take a peek at Xtream Path, our latest plug-in for Illustrator! Xtream Path offers simplicity by reducing the number of steps needed to accomplish the very same task you used to do the hard way. There is no doubt you will save time and work much more efficiently! Who does't want that? But you may think, "I want more than simplicity". No worries. Xtream Path boasts 36 tools and filters, and its editing capability offers simplicity, creativity, and accuracy. It gives you the flexibility and functionality to do almost anything to a path. We firmly believe in the saying "Seeing is believing", so download the full functioning demo today! Note: The demo version is coming soon! New to Illustrator? If you are new to the game, don't worry! Xtream Path lets you edit paths just like the pros in no time! Editing paths is among the most essential skills you need in Illustrator, but can be tough to master. Xtream Path is so intuitive and easy to use that you will soon be manipulating paths as if you'd been using Illustrator for years! Simplicity Traditionally, you had to edit paths using control points and direction lines. There was no way around it. Now, with Xtream Path, that is a thing of the past. Xtream Path enables you to click anywhere on a path and drag to make adjustments to the segment. It is that simple! It lets you edit paths more intuitively by pointing directly to the place you want to edit rather than fiddling around with direction lines and control points. Creativity Xtream Path offers plenty of tools to help you to be creative. Pick an existing font and the Smart Rounding effect will let you instantly round sharp edges to add warmth or friendliness to the font in just a couple of steps. Creating a patterned object is also a breeze. Select artwork and arrange it neatly throughout your document to make wall paper. The tremendous flexibility ensures your result is precisely what you wanted. Accuracy Editing one particular segment of a path and maintaining the same precise Bezier curve is no easy task. In the past, the best you could do is eyeball it, comparing side by side. With Xtream Path, you can obtain the numerical information of a direction line's length and direction by simply clicking on a segment. Taking advantage of the Numeric Edit tool, you can easily repeat the same Bezier curve on a different segment. It is as easy as copying and pasting. You can't get any more accurate than that! System Requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/NT4.0/XP/Vista/ 7 / 8 (32/64bit) Adobe Illustrator 8, 9, 10, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 Оф.сайт / Homepage: http://www.cvalley.com/ Язык / Language: Английский (English) Размер / Size: 9 Mb CValley.Xtream.Path.v1.6.for.Adobe.Illustrator-FOSI Скачать/Download sendfile.su Зеркало/Mirror - Letitbit.net Зеркало/Mirror - Rapidgator.net Зеркало/Mirror - Vip-file.com Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net
Раздел: Photoshop | 04.09.13 | 18:39
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