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Patrician IV (2010/ENG/RUS)
Новость от: sibius777
Patrizier IV является продолжением исторического торгового симулятора. Вы являетесь купцом в северной Европе в момент расцвета Ганзейского Союза. Ваша цель стать одним из самых влиятельных купцов среди членов Ганзейского Союза, быть избранным старейшиной или руководителем торговой лиги. Торгуйте общими товарами, создавайте собственное производство и торговый флот, и вы получите политическое влияние и даже сможете открыть новые города. Однако жизнь купца Ганзы может иметь свои тёмные стороны. На вашем пути к власти, вас может задержать ожесточённый натиск соперников, с которыми сражаются экономической конкуренцией, ценовыми войнами или нечестными средствами, такими как саботаж или пиратство.


Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?
Раздел: Игры | 04.09.10 | 02:35
Call Of Duty 2 v.1.2 (2005/RUS/RePack by Fenixx)
Новость от: edikbirnt

Лучший шутер о Второй мировой возвращается. В Call of Duty 2 вам предстоит увидеть войну такой, какой вы ее не видели еще никогда — реалистичной, жестокой кровавой мясорубкой, перемалывающей жизни и кромсающей судьбы попавших в нее людей. Присоединяйтесь к своим боевым товарищам. Вас ждет нелегкий путь битв и сражений, дорога, ведущая одних к вершинам славы, других — к вечной памяти и покою.


Once again you can experience the WWII battlefield, in Call of Duty 2. This sequel adds a new game engine, which provides improved visuals, AI, and weather effects. You can employ real squad tactics as you make your way through four distinct campaigns, each following a single soldier as he battles through historic conflicts. Call of Duty 2 also features maps that feature multiple paths to follow, offering a variety of cover and opportunities to use team tactics. Multiplayer modes return as well, allowing you to test your skills online against other players.
Раздел: Игры | 03.09.10 | 23:25
Ace Combat: Joint Assault (2010/ENG/PSP)
Новость от: edikbirnt

Авиационный боевик, который отличают головокружительные сражения, невероятная для портативной консоли графика, комплексная одиночная кампания и богатые возможности для коллективных баталий. В роли пилота экстра-класса игрокам предстоит сразиться с многочисленными противниками в небе над Токио, Лондоном, Сан-Франциско и другими географическими точками, существующими в реальном мире. С новым режимом Enhanced Combat View воздушные сражения стали еще стремительнее и реалистичнее. Ace Combat Joint Assault позволяет полнее ощутить азарт и напряжение битв на сверхзвуковых скоростях. При этом события сюжетной кампании развиваются в зависимости от решений и поступков самого игрока.


The latest installment of the greatest air combat game series soars onto the PSP system with an arsenal full of ground breaking new features! ACE COMBAT JOINT ASSAULT pushes the PSP system's capacity to its limit with robust online gameplay, CO-OP enabled campaign mode, new strategic AI system and more!
Раздел: Игры | 03.09.10 | 08:02
N.O.V.A Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance v1.2.8 (iPhone iPod Touch)
Новость от: sibius777
Присоединитесь к борьбе за выживание человечества против агрессивных инопланетян, известных как Судьи в этой космической саге. На орбите Земли были созданы огромные искусственные спутники, они были построены для людей для жизни на них. Для своей защиты был сформирован N.O.V.A. Однажды появилась, странная угроза из космической тьмы. Космическое судно, которое объявили пропавшим без вести только неделю назад, внезапно вновь появилось и направилось на орбиту, игнорируя все попытки связи. Уволенный в запас морской пехотинец Kal Wardin был вызван на действительную военную службу, чтобы предотвратить уничтожение человечества.

Join the fight for mankind’s survival against the aggressivealiens known as Judgers in this revolutionary sci-fi FPS. With Earth no longer able to sustain life, huge artificial satellites called “near-orbitals” were constructed for people to live on. To protect themselves, the near-orbitals banded together to form N.O.V.A., the Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance. Against his will, retired marine hero Kal Wardin is forcefully returned to active duty to prevent mankind’s annihilation. Plunge into an unparalleled gaming experience on iPhone & iPod touch
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 22:22
WildLife Zoo: Deluxe Edition (PC/ENG/RUS/2008)
Новость от: max121290

Почти каждый ребенок мечтает в детстве стать хозяином собственного зоопарка. Но дети даже не представляют, сколько всего необходимо знать и уметь, чтобы управлять рукотворным уголком живой природы. Экономический симулятор "Wildlife Zoo" приглашает игрока в будни самого занятого человека на земле - директора Зоопарка. Можно окунуться с головой в увлекательные сценарии, которые перенесут действие в самые экзотические и красивые уголки мира, или целиком посвятить время организации первоклассного зоопарка - вне сюжетных миссий. Продуманная экономическая модель делает игровой процесс логичным, а тщательно выполненная анимация животных и растений порадует каждого любителя природы.


Learn how to run a zoo in Wildlife Zoo. It involves the fun and responsibilities that come with running a successful zoo, including animal care, landscaping, staffing, and keeping visitors happy. Terraforming options allow zoo keepers to create dry savannahs, mountain peaks, looming waterfalls, or swampy wetlands, and with over 100 available buildings, items, enclosures, and decorative extras, virtual park designers are equipped to provide paying guests a comfortable wildlife experience that will keep them coming back for more.

Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 19:26
Swords & Soldiers (PC/2010/GER)
Новость от: max121290
В Swords & Soldiers - три фракции: викинги, ацтеки и китайцы которые воюют друг с другом ради получения полномочья богов. Игра может похвастаться как одиночной кампанией для всех трёх фракций, так и режимом "перестрелки", а также в игре присутствует режим для двоих игроков на разделение экрана. В одиночной кампании всего
30 миссий, по 10 на каждую фракцию. Миссии бывают с самыми разными целями; начиная от банального завоевания базы противника и заканчивая обороной своей базы с ограниченным количеством войск. Ещё есть несколько других режимов и мини-игр которые игрок сможет открыть проходя основную кампанию. Игра отдалённо походит на Plants vs. Zombies и Patapon.


In Swords & Soldiers, three factions (the Aztecs, the Vikings and the Imperial Chinese) are fighting each other to gain the powers of the gods. The game boasts both a single player campaign for all three factions and a skirmish mode, as well as competitive split-screen multiplayer and several other modes and minigames players can unlock by progressing through the game.

The single player campaign features 10 missions for each faction, with objectives ranging from conquering the enemy's base on the other side of the play area to surviving a full out assault from the enemy or infiltrating their defenses with a limited number of troops. Players collect gold and mana which is used to purchase units and spells respectively. After being built units automatically begin marching towards the enemies base, and players cast spells to either strengthen their own units or directly attack their enemies. Players must make strategic decisions on what units to build and when to send them out.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 14:39
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers v1.0u4 + Expansions (by Stainless Games & Wizards of the Coast) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Duels of the Planeswalkers, названная так же, как 11-летней давности аддон к тогдашней адаптации MtG, — честное, пусть и облегченное переложение классических правил. Каждый участник владеет колодой карт — земель и заклинаний. Земли генерируют ману пяти цветов, нужную для вызова монстров и наложения чар. Чем мощнее существо или магия, тем больше земель надо перевернуть на бок для активации. Введенные в бой твари кусают противника и защищают своего хозяина; их силу и прочность брони указывают числа вроде «4/2». Игрок, потерявший очки здоровья или израсходовавший всю колоду, терпит крах.

The world's premier trading card game, Magic: The Gathering is now available on PC! Experience Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers, an epic game of fantasy and strategy, as you unleash a torrent of fantastic creatures and devastating spells to destroy online foes in your quest for domination!
Available in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish; the Duels of the Planeswalkers base game features eight unique player decks, deck customization with unlocked content, single player and cooperative campaigns, ranked and unranked online single player and cooperative play, leader boards, and more!

Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 04:04
Star Ruler v1.0.0.6 (by Blind Mind Studios) + Soundtrack
Новость от: Liandri
Целая галактика на кончиках ваших пальцев! Новая космическая стратегия со случайно-генерируемыми галактиками, обширными возможностями, зрелищными баталиями и уникальной системой развития.


Ever wanted to rule the galaxy? Now's your chance!
Take command of a vast interstellar empire and safeguard your species from total extinction. Prove your species' ingenuity through a deep and intricate combat system where anything (from individual components on ships to the stars themselves) is a target of opportunity.
Utilize your silver tongue to twist other Empires into submitting under your galaxy-class wit with a complex and full-featured diplomacy system or wheel-and-deal your way to supremacy.
Research deadly new weapons, new engines, shields, and more with a research web whose contents are shuffled with every game.
Explore vast interstellar phenomenae such as black holes and asteroid belts and exploit them for yourself or destroy them to deny your foes.
Match your wits with up to 10 online or LAN-linked opponents, save the game when dawn breaks, and boot it back up at dusk. It isn't over until you say it is!
Mod the game to suit your playstyle! Your weapons, your ships, your rules. Almost the entire game can be modified entirely through an editor as simple as notepad. Easily add new models and particle effects to the game with a robust set of out-of-the-box developer tools.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 04:02
A Man With a Monocle v1.0 (by Neogen2 Creations)
Новость от: Liandri
Аркадный платформер в стиле ретро с необычным сюжетом. Редактор уровней прилагается.

A Man With a Monocle is an adventure/platform game developed by Neogen2 Creations for the PC. Follow Henry McAllister in your quest to discover the mysteries behind the Monocle and your ghost friend, Kain, while you go through many different and fascinating locations.
A Man With a Monocle is a story-based but at the same time old-school platformer, featuring over 55 levels coupled with countless challenges to overcome, alternative passages and many hidden secrets waiting to be discovered. In addition to the story mode, there are many unlockables such as another playable character and new game modes and levels. You can even create your own levels and campaigns, using Level Editor released with the game and play your own and other people's work.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 03:49
Silmarils Collection v1.1 (by Silmarils & DotEmu) Eng/Fr
Новость от: Liandri
Коллекция из 16 игр компании Silmarils времён DOS: Crystal of Arborea, Ishar, Ishar II, Ishar III, Deus, Robinson's Requiem,
Transarctica, Storm Master, La Fetiche Maya, Metal Mutant, Starblade, Targhan, Colorado, Wind Surf Willy, Boston Boomb Club, Bunny Bricks.

With this 16 Silmarils games compilation, you will evolve within action, adventure, strategic and other scenarios where some characters’ psychological aspects will enable you to fully live the unique adventures in which you will only make one with the heroes.
Compilation of quality and sticking to original games, you will enjoy discovering these emotional adventures where images quality and gaming pleasure remain intact. This collection isa real gold nugget for all retrogamers as well as the general public fond of good value for money compilation! Silmarils games, developed between 1987 and 2003 for games consoles and computers appealed to worldwide gamers. The Rocques brothers, sparking off the label, knew how to evolve in the video games universe from its early days with varied titles offering eccentric universes full of discoveries.

Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 02:59
Gobliiins Trilogy v1.0 (by Coktel Vision & DotEmu) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Pol/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Переиздание классического квеста времён DOS. В первой части вы помогаете трём гоблинам Хутеру, Дуэйну и БоБо найти причину внезапного недомогания гоблинского короля, а затем и проучить эту самую «причину». Каждый персонаж имеет свою особенность — Хутер умеет подбирать и использовать предметы, Дуэйн умеет заколдовывать предметы, а БоБо просто очень сильный — умеет бить кулаком и лазать по верёвкам и столбам. Вам придётся провести наших гоблинов через 22 экрана, наполненных не всегда логичными, но забавными и смешными головоломками, отгадывая которые получаешь просто море удовольствия.
Каждое путешествие окунёт вас в новые приключения с новыми персонажами.

Thanks to this trilogy you will experience the «Goblins» adventures. With the different characters and their own features, you will be taken to other worlds where magic and fantasy are assembled.
With this pack, you will live various adventures: go to the conquest of the miracle medecine to save the King Angoulafre in Gobliins 1, try to find Angoulafre’s son after his mysterious kidnapping in Gobliins 2 and go in the footsteps of the « World Jewel » in Goblin’s 3.
Each adventure will provide you with a great pleasure, playing with different heroes, each one more endearing than others. You will also cross magic and enchanted worlds where you will sometimes ask yourself to know if you are in the real world or living the legends with wide-opened eyes...

Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 02:42
Din's Curse v1.006 (by Soldak Entertainment) Win/MacOSX
Новость от: Liandri
Ещё одна игра жанра RPG во вселенной Depths of Peril.
Случайно-генерируемые миры, разнообразные монстры, предметы, квесты и даже горожане, а также 6 классов и 18 специализаций для развития героя.


Din's Curse is a single player and co-op multiplayer action RPG with 141 class combinations, infinite number of dynamically generated towns, real consequences, and a dynamic, evolving world.
Din, champion of the gods, has cursed you into a second life of service because you selfishly squandered your first one while causing misfortune to those around you. To redeem yourself, you must impress Din by building a reputation for helping others. Travel the spacious western plains of Aleria and save desperate towns from the brink of annihilation. Until you're redeemed, you're doomed to wander the earth alone for all eternity.
In Din's Curse, you will explore an extensive underground, slaying dangerous monsters, solving dynamic quests, dodging deadly traps, and in your spare time, plundering loot. Quell uprisings, flush out traitors, kill assassins, cure plagues, purge curses, end wars, and complete other dangerous quests or the danger WILL escalate. Not all is as it seems though, traitors will gladly stab you in the back, renegades can revolt against the town, spies can set up ambushes, and items might even curse or possess your friends.
Choose one of 141 class combinations and journey to an infinite number of dynamically generated towns with vastly different problems. Every game is a surprise! Your actions have real consequences in this dynamic, evolving world. Your choices actually matter!
Open the door to Din's Curse. Surprising adventures await!
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 02:32
Raptor: Call of the Shadows - 2010 Edition v1.0 (by Mountain King Studios & DotEmu)
Новость от: Liandri
Свежая редакция культового скролл-шутера Raptor: Call of the Shadows.

As a mercenary in the not-so-distant future, flying the super-advanced Raptor space fighter, you'll be sent on interplanetary missions to knock out your MegaCorp's top competitors. Battle against hordes of relentless enemies. Spend the bounties claimed for their demise to expand your devastating arsenal! Discover secrets, find bonuses and battle boss ships that appear at the end of every wave! With each ship and ground target you destroy, you'll earn more cash to improve your ship's already formidable technology, in preparation for the next wave. You'll be sent out to kill and destroy... But then again, it's in your blood.
The 2010 Edition features improved graphics and native support for higher resolutions (640x400, 960x600 and 1280x800). Standard, oldschool graphics are also available.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 02:17
Tumble Jumble v1.0 (by Utopian Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Неплохой клон Tetris. Более чем 60 уровней вам бросают вызов по законам физики, в котором вам нужно построить геометрические фигуры вокруг препятствий так, чтобы избежать лазерных лучей, опасных тварей и прочих, да в добавок сделать это ещё и за отведённое время.

Tumble Jumble: Intergalactic Rodent Removals is a fantastic new physics-based puzzle game from Utopian Games. As an employee of the Intergalactic Rodent Removal Company, you must rotate and drop a specified number of block-shaped rodents into containers while avoiding a variety of obstacles, including lasers and evil platforms.
"Tumble Jumble’s game play is a little similar to Tetris, but has some really nice physics aspects that make it a much more fun and interesting game." Brett - appadict.net

Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 01:26
Caelum v1.0 (by ApGames)
Новость от: Liandri
Неплохой клон Peggle.
Представьте себе ситуацию, когда человечество истратило всю энергию Земли! Теперь существование людей под угрозой! Но, на их счастье, космос полон орбит, энергия которых поможет им выжить! Для того чтобы собрать всю энергию, люди решают отправить Роба - робота, собирающего энергию планет! Примите участие в его невероятном приключении и, отыщите новых друзей и исследуйте бесконечную галактику! Соберите всю энергию в новой игре "Caelum"!


Caelum is an addictive physics-based arcade game that combines the gameplay elements of Pachinko and Breakout. Shoot and destroy all the red orbs to clear the stage. With 50 unique levels you won’t be able to stop playing.
Humanity faces a severe energy crisis. Having used up the planet’s resources, we must look to outer space for alternatives – and, fortunately for us, space is filled with energy orbs just waiting to be collected. This is where ROB comes in – short for Robotic Orb Blaster, his task is to blast those orbs! On his journey he’ll encounter new friends and exciting adventures, and explore the depths of endless space.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 01:15
Splotches v1.0 (by Jolly Crouton Media)
Новость от: Liandri
Интересная игра-головоломка. Ваша цель - уничтожить радужный шар путём смешивания разноцветных красок на полу. Чем дальше, тем больше препятствий и различных цветов.


Tired of Match-3 games? Splotches is a new, refreshing puzzle game with lots of paint, explosions, and bright colors. Spread and mix colors to make brown, which explodes in a flurry of awesome sound effects and mesmerizing particles. Your goal is to destroy the Rainbow Orb, but you’re sometimes hampered by several obstacles that you must overcome, such as volatile mines, locked walls, teleporters, and all habooglery of other interesting items.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 01:02
GabCab v1.03 (by Reflexive Entertainment & Anawiki Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Создатели популярной игры Airport Mania компания Reflexive Entertainment выпустила новую игру под названием GabCab. На этот раз вы выступаете в качестве диспетчера службы такси и помогаете маленькому симпатичному такси по имени Гэбби развозить пассажиров по городу! Гэбби ведет себя как человек, что придает игре особое очарование. Присматривайте за Гэбби, следите, чтобы у него всегда был полный бак горючего, и покупайте необходимые улучшения. Помните, что чем быстрее Гэбби довезет своих пассажиров до места назначения, тем больше чаевых он получит! Большое количество уровней, увлекательный геймплей и различные награды делают GabCab чрезвычайно интересной.


Get your engine ready for fun with GabCab! Travel through 8 unique and fun cities as you help customers get to where they need to go.
Purchase upgrades for your cab, hire assistants, including a limo and a tour bus, catch tips, and gas up as you work to keep the transportation system running smoothly.
Be on the lookout for the happy cab as GabCab comes to pick you up and take you home!
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 00:53
Biggest Little Adventure v1.2 (by Absolutist)
Новость от: Liandri
Увлекательная игра в жанре hidden object. Вскрыв неожиданную посылку с таинственным содержимым, Руби нечаянно уменьшила почтальона до неприличных размеров... Теперь Льюис обречён на незабываемое путешествие вместе со своей новой громадной спутницей.


See the world through a different perspective in Biggest Little Adventure, an epic journey of tiny proportions.
Louis delivers a package to Ruby, who, upon opening it to reveal its mystical content, mistakenly shrinks him to the height of two stacked apples. Now, both Ruby and the miniaturized Louis embark on a worldwide search for the only possible cure. But can they find it in time before his condition becomes permanent?
Join Ruby and Louis in this unbelievable 1920's adventure to locate the remedy. Travel to New York, London, Morocco and more, meeting helpful people and searching for the right ingredients as their romance grows. Overcome problematic situations including puzzles, while working together, switching between tall and tiny viewpoints. Scour the area with Ruby or get down into the details with the diminutive Louis. Their individualized skills will each come in handy through this entire remarkable journey.
Раздел: Игры | 02.09.10 | 00:50
Patrizier IV / Patrician IV (2010/GER)
Новость от: sibius777
Patrizier IV является продолжением исторического торгового симулятора. Вы являетесь купцом в северной Европе в момент расцвета Ганзейского Союза. Ваша цель стать одним из самых влиятельных купцов среди членов Ганзейского Союза, быть избранным старейшиной или руководителем торговой лиги. Торгуйте общими товарами, создавайте собственное производство и торговый флот, и вы получите политическое влияние и даже сможете открыть новые города. Однако жизнь купца Ганзы может иметь свои тёмные стороны. На вашем пути к власти, вас может задержать ожесточённый натиск соперников, с которыми сражаются экономической конкуренцией, ценовыми войнами или нечестными средствами, такими как саботаж или пиратство.


Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?
Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 13:59
Drawn: Dark Flight - Collector's Edition v1.1 (by Big Fish Games) Eng/Dan/Du/Fr/Ger/Ita/Por/Spa/Swe/Jap
Новость от: Liandri

Продолжение атмосферного квеста в жанре hidden object и головоломок Drawn.

Маленькая девочка... обречённая на власть, и преследуемая тенью.

Верный друг... сломлен, но не побеждён.

Тиран... окутанный тьмой, самолюбивый и жестокий.

Три маяка, лежащие в разных углах королевства - с их зажжением вернётся надежда, рассвет нового дня. Если их огонь вспыхнет, тьма рассеится.
Но если они останутся нетронутыми... они будут напоминанием. О будущей Королеве и её королевстве, навсегда заточенным в ночи.

Айрис сбежала из Башни, но теперь ей снова нужна ваша помощь. Исследуйте королевство и распутывайте таинственные головоломки, которыми кишат улицы города.
A young girl...destined to rule, but pursued by the shadows.

A trusted friend...broken, but not defeated.

A tyrant...wrapped in the darkness, ambitious and cruel.

Three beacons lay cold on the corners of a kingdom. With their light comes hope, the dawn of a new day. If their fires are lit, shadows will be cast into the light.
But if they stay dark... They will be a reminder. Of a future Queen and her kingdom. Forever ruled by the night.

Iris has escaped from the Tower but she still needs your help! Explore the Kingdom of Stonebriar and solve the mysteries of the shadows that prowl its streets in this fun Adventure game. Enter magical worlds through colorful paintings and meet a host of fantastic characters that will help you on your quest in Drawn: The Dark Flight. Only someone with the power of imagination can unravel the mysteries of the three beacons, and save a future queen that will bring hope back to a people!

• New quest with special ending
• Unique achievements to earn
• Concept art and wallpapers
• Incredible original soundtrack
• Integrated Smart Guide

Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 03:45
Dawn's Light 2 - Special Edition v1.0 (by John Wizard Games) + Strategy Guide
Новость от: Liandri
Долгожданное продолжение одной из самых увлекательных RPG своей категории Dawn's Light.


Harvey is struggling to adapt to his post adventure life. Days and nights no longer have any meaning. That is until his deceased brother Victor shows up at his doorstep.
Victor offers Harvey a chance to give his life purpose again. Are Victor's intentions pure or does he have something sinister planned for our hero?

• A massive adventure featuring your favorite characters from Dawn's Light 1, plus a ton of new faces
• Make your own weapons with materials you collect on your journey
• Collect over 30 outfits, each with a special bonus
• Collect stickers of all your favorite characters (and Jack)
• Keep track of everything in your journal
• Tons of side quests and exciting things to do
• Start a new game with all of your weapons, armor, items and levels intact
Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 01:48
The Last Airbender v1.0 (by Big Blue Bubble)
Новость от: Liandri
Пошаговая приключенческая стратегия для истинных фанатов "Аватара", созданная по фильму "Властелин стихий".


Become humanity's savior in The Last Airbender, a rousing turn-based strategy game based on the mesmerizing feature film.
After 100 years frozen in ice, the young Aang awakens only to find that the world he knew is in the midst of a terrible war. Four nations, Air, Earth, Fire and Water, are tied by destiny but one, the Fire nation, hopes to rule them all. Caught between combat and courage, Aang is the lone Avatar, capable of manipulating all four elements. And so, he teams with Katara, a Waterbender, and her brother Sokka, to restore balance to their war-torn world.
Fight for victory as Aang, Katara, Sokka, and other favorites from the exciting world of The Last Airbender to bring peace! Climb aboard Appa, the flying Bison, and travel to wonderful locations as you enter battle sequences against feared enemies like Prince Zuko, Commander Zhao, and other ruthless Firebenders. Create a custom set of bending scrolls to maximize your characters' effectiveness to Meditate, Attack, Defend, and Heal. Earn training points, find rare scrolls to upgrade attacks, and fulfill your destiny to save the world!
Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 01:47
Youda Survivor v1.2 (by Youda Games) Eng/Du/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa/Jap/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Симулятор жизни на необитаемом острове от Youda.
Отбивайтесь от пиратов, выживайте и защищайте целое племя местных жителей!

Fight off pirates, survive and protect an entire tribe in this epic adventure!
Ever dreamed of living on your own little island, being a real Robinson Crusoe? Now here is your chance! In Youda Survivor you end up on the funniest and most mysterious island with only some minimal tools to survive. What will it take to get you of this island? It’s up to you to get it all together and finally get back to the main land again!
Fight off pirates, survive and protect an entire tribe in this epic adventure! Use all your skills to survive the scorching sun and unordinary conditions on this mysterious island and find your way back home... or better: to your next adventure. Win over the hearts of the native tribe by proving that you are the one person that can save them from the cunning pirates. Obtain mystical tribal items with magical powers; learn rituals which you can use to control the weather and use special machines to advance in your quest. Learn the secrets of tribal diets and boil powerful potions to make you stronger. Prove that you have what it takes to survive anywhere and under any circumstances.
The further you get the more obstacles will be in your way and the harder it gets to survive. But extra points, bonuses and upgrades make it easier for you to prepare your food and build that what’s needed to get to the next island. At certain times nature will help you in difficult situations, but we are positive you can cope with these all by yourself, just trust on your own urge to survive! You are the Survivor!

Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 01:46
Academagia: The Making of Mages v1.0 (by Black Chicken Studios)
Новость от: Liandri
Самый настоящий симулятор жизни юного волшебника. Широкий выбор возможных действий на каждый день, зловещие интриги в академии, волшебство и колдовство, очень много текста и тонны случайных событий.
Если вы всегда мечтали почувствовать себя Гарри Поттером - эта игра для вас.


Academagia is a 2D PC life simulation and role-playing game intended for audiences ages 9+.
Academagia: The Making of Mages is a whimsical fantasy life simulation and role-playing game set at the renowned Academy of Magic in the rich and dangerous city of Mineta. As a newly arrived teenager in a strange, vast school, you'll embark on adventures great and small, train your familiar, make friends (and enemies!), and master the shining arts and subtle laws of spell-casting.
Day by day, you'll attend classes, build skills, compete for the glory of your College, and explore the history and powers of an ancient world of flying islands and fallen empires. What you choose to do - whether it be to create a new magical item, to butter up your instructors, or to duel with your bitterest rivals - will ultimately determine how your character evolves throughout the school year. With many secret skills to uncover and hundreds of unique actions to learn and bonuses to collect, character specialization is unprecedented in its breadth. You can explore the campus, research in the many libraries, help your friends, visit exotic merchants or cast powerful spells: the choice is yours!
But beware! There are more dangers than just detention, and frightening secrets wait in the long forgotten sections of the University...
Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 01:46
Biggest Little Adventure v1.0 (by Absolutist)
Новость от: Liandri
Увлекательная игра в жанре hidden object. Вскрыв неожиданную посылку с таинственным содержимым, Руби нечаянно уменьшила почтальона до неприличных размеров... Теперь Льюис обречён на незабываемое путешествие вместе со своей новой громадной спутницей.


See the world through a different perspective in Biggest Little Adventure, an epic journey of tiny proportions.
Louis delivers a package to Ruby, who, upon opening it to reveal its mystical content, mistakenly shrinks him to the height of two stacked apples. Now, both Ruby and the miniaturized Louis embark on a worldwide search for the only possible cure. But can they find it in time before his condition becomes permanent?
Join Ruby and Louis in this unbelievable 1920's adventure to locate the remedy. Travel to New York, London, Morocco and more, meeting helpful people and searching for the right ingredients as their romance grows. Overcome problematic situations including puzzles, while working together, switching between tall and tiny viewpoints. Scour the area with Ruby or get down into the details with the diminutive Louis. Their individualized skills will each come in handy through this entire remarkable journey.
Раздел: Игры | 01.09.10 | 01:45
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