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"Firefox and Thunderbird: Beyond Browsing and Email" Peter D. Hipson
Новость от: Fizzer
There's a new browser in town: Firefox is quickly becoming a leading alternative to Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you are new to Firefox and want to see what all the buzz is about, Firefox and Thunderbird: Beyond Browsing and Email is the guide that you need. By focusing on how to configure and customize Firefox and Thunderbird, this book will show you how to quickly get a hold of the less intuitive features that most new users struggle to figure out. You will discover which of Firefox's many options should be adjusted, which shouldn't, and how to locate many hidden preferences that will ultimately create a better browsing experience. The author's tips and tricks will teach you how to adjust the browser's appearance and behavior, and how to install the most popular extensions to maximize the browser's performance. You'll also be introduced to Firefox's e-mail client companion, Thunderbird. You'll cover Thunderbird's built-in spam filters, calendar, and customizeable layout and toolbars. Personalize your e-mail with tips and tricks dedicated to getting the most out of Thunderbird, and learn how to make it work together with Firefox for a seamless online experience.
Раздел: Книги | 28.10.05 | 10:02
"Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques" Steve Best
Новость от: Fizzer
Learn Linux debugging and optimizationat kernel and application levelshands-on! This is the definitive guide to Linux software debugging and performance optimization at both the kernel and application levels. Using extensive Linux code examples, Steve Best systematically introduces open source tools and best-practice techniques for delivering bug-free, well-tuned code. Drawing on his exceptional experience optimizing Linux systems for IBM, Best covers issues ranging from memory management and I/O to system processes and kernel bug messages. You'll walk through real debugging sessions, discovering the strategies experts use to debug even the most complex application- and kernel-related problems. You'll master sophisticated profiling techniques for identifying and resolving bottlenecks more quickly and learn how to capture the right data in the event of trouble. Coverage includes
Раздел: Книги | 27.10.05 | 14:36
PHPUnit Pocket Guide
Новость от: Fizzer
Smart web developers will tell you that the sooner you detect your code mistakes, the quicker you can fix them, and the less the project will cost in the long run. Well, the most efficient way to detect your mistakes in PHP is with PHPUnit, an open source framework that automates unit testing by running a battery of tests as you go. The benefits of PHPUnit are significant: -a reduction in the effort required to frequently test code -fewer overall defects -added confidence in your code -improved relations with your open source teammates The only problem with this popular testing tool was its lack of documentation-until now, that is. For this, O'Reilly went right to the source, as Sebastian Bergmann, the author of PHPUnit Pocket Guide, also happens to be PHPUnit's creator. This little book brings together hard-to-remember information, syntax, and rules for working with PHPUnit. It also delivers the insight and sage advice that can only come from the technology's creator. Coverage of testing under agile methodologies and Extreme Programming (XP) is also included.
Раздел: Книги | 27.10.05 | 10:51
"Математические модели природы и общества" Калиткин Н.Н. и др.
Новость от: Fizzer
Настоящая монография содержит основные результаты исследований в области построения математических моделей природы и общества, полученные Институтом математического моделирования РАН в содружестве с ГУИС ФАПСИ и социологическим факультетом МГУ им.М.В.Ломоносова. Эти исследования сконцентрированы на проблемах математического моделирования развития сложных ситуаций, возникающих в природе и обществе. С помощью мониторинговых и моделирующих систем поддержки принятия решений удаётся найти оптимальные способы и средства выхода из чрезвычайных ситуаций. Результаты, полученные в работах, вошедших в данную монографию, активно используются в настоящее время в научных исследованиях и при принятии решений управленческими структурами общества.
Раздел: Книги | 26.10.05 | 12:17
Hacking Firefox.More Than 150 Hacks, Mods, and Customizations
Новость от: Fizzer
They dreamed of a better browser . . . and before you could say "explore no more," Firefox was born. But already you want more. Tighter security, greater functionality. A custom installation for Linux. Maybe even that unique extension you've always dreamed of creating. Well, if you want to tweak the Fox, here are over 400 pages of ways to do it. From hacking profile settings to cracking links and cleaning out the cookie jar, this is the stuff that puts you in control.
Раздел: Книги | 25.10.05 | 16:05
The Heinemann TOEFL Preparation Course
Новость от: diim
The Heinemann TOEFL Preparation Course - это тест по английскому языку как иностранному для определения уровня языковой подготовки. Сдача TOEFL требуется для поступления более чем в 2400 колледжей и университетов США и во всем мире. Данный курс содержит обширную подборку материалов для успешного прохождения теста TOEFL: диагностические тесты; подсистему "Персональный планировщик", которая подготовит индивидуальный план занятий; теоретический материал с примерами; практические упражнения; контрольные тесты и практические тесты TOEFL. This course prepares students for the TOEFL® examination (Test of English as a Foreign Language) which is used as an admission requirement in colleges and universities in the United States and other parts of the world. This course covers all areas of TOEFL®, which includes 140 questions in four sections: Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehension, and the Test of Written English. The first three sections are multiple choice; the fourth contains one essay question. The course can be used either as a principal textbook in a TOEFL® preparation course or as a supplementary textbook to a more general English course; or as a self-study course. The diagnostic test and score conversion tables allow students to monitor their progress and concentrate on improving both weaker and stronger areas. The course also includes two full practice tests.
Раздел: Книги | 25.10.05 | 13:47
Новость от: Fizzer
Все подробности своего детства, юности и отрочества Мэнсон без купюр описал в автобиографичной книге "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" ("Долгий Трудный Путь Из Ада"). Это шокирующее чтиво написано явно не для слабонервных. И если вы себя к таковым не относите, то можете узнать, как Брайан Уорнер, благодаря своей школе, возненавидел христианство, как посылал в литературный журнал свои жестокие рассказы, и как превратился в Мерилина Мэнсона – короля страха и ужаса.
Раздел: Книги | 25.10.05 | 13:31
C# Sharp 2.0 Practical Guide for Programmers
Новость от: Fizzer
You dont need coddling; you dont need to be told what you already know. What you need is a book that uses your experience as a Java or C++ programmer to give you a leg up into the challenges and rewards of C#. And this Practical Guide is precisely what youre after.
Раздел: Книги | 24.10.05 | 15:27
Журнал "Тюнинг автомобилей 09"
Новость от: Fizzer
Журнал призван популяризировать идею тюнинга автомобиля. При этом ставка сделана на извечное стремление человека выделиться из толпы, стать заметной "фигурой".Наша цель - максимально полно удовлетворять читателей уникальной информацией, недоступной большинству автомобильных журналов. Каждый материал, помимо основного текста сопровождается большим количеством фотографий и комментариев, что делает информацию понятной и наглядной.
Раздел: Книги | 24.10.05 | 11:18
Cambridge Learner's Dictionary
Новость от: diim
Cambridge Learner's Dictionary is a major new dictionary based on the Cambridge International Corpus. Ideal for intermediate students, this dictionary has been written by experienced ELT teachers and is based on extensive research in classrooms around the world. The dictionary is also available with a CD-ROM, making it perfect for use at home or in the classroom. *Clear, attractive layout, with hundreds of illustrations *35,000 meanings explained in simple words *Guidewords help you find the meanings you want *Thousands of lively and typical examples *Grammar rules presented clearly and simply *A Study Section helps students with topics such as classroom language, phrasal verbs, and the Internet *Pronunciations use the International Phonetic Alphabet *Usage notes based on the Cambridge Learner's Corpus tackle problem words *British and American English covered
Раздел: Книги | 24.10.05 | 00:09
Playboy's Playmate Review - September and October 2005
Новость от: Liandri
Почти свежий журнальчик всем понятной тематики... (клик для увеличения)
Раздел: Книги | 21.10.05 | 17:24
Playboy November 2005 English Edition
Новость от: Fizzer
Журнал,который в особом представлении не нуждается!
Раздел: Книги | 21.10.05 | 12:13
German Playboy August 2005
Новость от: Fizzer
Журнал который каждый мужчина должен иметь.. в своем архиве! ;)
Раздел: Книги | 20.10.05 | 14:30
Дэвид Файнток - Путешествия Николаса Сифорта
Новость от: diim
Все 6 романов Дэвида Файнтока из серии "Путешествия Николаса Сифорта" Жанр: Военная фантастика. Никому не пропускать! Очень интересно и живо описана сага Николаса Сифорта. Динамично рассказан весь его жизненный путь, начиная с 17 лет, когда он стал Гардемарином Военно-Космического Флота Объединенных Наций, и до самой его старости, когда он стал уже Генеральным Секретарём ООН.
Раздел: Книги | 10.10.05 | 14:43
Core C# and .NET
Новость от: brodyga
Core C# and .NET By Stephen C. Perry ............................................... Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR Pub Date: September 06, 2005 ISBN: 0-13-147227-5 Pages: 1008
Раздел: Книги | 04.10.05 | 16:48
Камасутра - учебник любви ENG + RUS
Новость от: diim
Выкладываем для Вас две версии книги о любвии в разных редакциях ENG и RUS КАМАСУТРА - едва ли не самая известная в современном мире книга о ЛЮБВИ . При этом Камасутра вовсе не направлена на стимулирование эротических эмоций. Она проникнута мысль о том, что секс - это одна из величайших радостей человеческого бытия вместе с тем неотъемлемый элемент нашей повседневной жизни.
Раздел: Книги | 02.10.05 | 22:17
C# How to program - Deitel
Новость от: brodyga
Title: C# How to program - Deitel Paperback: 1568 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall Language: English ISBN: 0130622214 This new book by the world's leading programming-language textbook authors carefully explains how to use C#—the premier language in Microsoft's .NET initiative—as a general-purpose programming language, and how to develop multi-tier, client/server, data-base-intensive, Internet- and Web-based applications.
Раздел: Книги | 22.09.05 | 01:12
Extreme Physics
Новость от: brodyga
Time travel, teleportation, parallel universes--in certain sectors of the physics community, notions once relegated to the realm of science fiction are now considered quite plausible. Indeed, by some accounts, the truth may be stranger than fiction. Consider the possibility that the universe is a huge hologram or that matter is composed of tiny, vibrating strings. Perhaps space and time are not continuous but instead come in discrete pieces. These are the wonderfully weird ways in which theorists are beginning to conceive of the world (or worlds!) around us.
Раздел: Книги | 19.09.05 | 00:34
Hypnosis for Beginners
Новость от: brodyga
Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; 1st ed edition (September 1, 2002) Language: English ISBN: 156718359X Product Dimensions: 8.0 x 5.2 x 0.8 inches Shipping Weight: 8.0 ounces. First Sentence: Nearly everyone can quickly and easily learn the techniques for hypnosis and become a hypnotist.
Раздел: Книги | 16.09.05 | 22:14
MSDN Magazine October 2005
Новость от: brodyga
• Memory Models: Understand the Impact of Low-Lock Techniques in Multithreaded Apps Vance Morrison • High Availability: Keep Your Code Running with the Reliability Features of the .NET Framework Stephen Toub • OpenMP and C++: Reap the Benefits of Multithreading without All the Work Kang Su Gatlin and Pete Isensee • Custom Cultures: Extend Your Code's Global Reach with New Features in the .NET Framework 2.0 Michael Kaplan and Cathy Wissink • Stay Alert: Use Managed Code to Generate a Secure Audit Trail Mark Pustilnik
Раздел: Книги | 14.09.05 | 00:37
Does Your Marketing Sell?
Новость от: brodyga
Product Details Paperback: 200 pages Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing (February 25, 2005) Language: English ISBN: 1857883500
Раздел: Книги | 11.09.05 | 02:54
Ultimate X Men Annual Vol.1 No 1 Oct 2005
Новость от: brodyga
ULTIMATE X-MEN ANNUAL #1 COVER BY: Stuart Immonen WRITER: Brian Vaughan PENCILS: Tom Raney INKS: Scott Hanna LETTERED BY: Chris Eliopoulos
Раздел: Книги | 10.09.05 | 21:11
Microsoft Windows 2000 Security
Новость от: brodyga
Windows 2000 security services can help a business by cutting costs with simplified security management, providing consistent and reliable security, supporting open standards to Internet-enable businesses, and securing data transferred over a network. Microsoft Windows 2000 Security is the first book of its kind, offering in-depth coverage of the various security related features of Windows 2000. It revolves around issues that an administrator faces in real-life and caters to individuals who are network administrators and/or involved in designing a network and includes a special chapter on secure access to non-Microsoft Clients such as UNIX, Netware, and Macintosh. It offers valuable information on Windows 2000 Security Features, Network Security Features, Remote Access Security Features, and more.
Раздел: Книги | 10.09.05 | 02:34
Excel 2003 Programming : A Developer's Notebook
Новость от: brodyga
Title: Excel 2003 Programming : A Developer's Notebook Author: Jeff Webb Publisher: O'Reilly; 1 edition (August 23, 2004) ISBN: 0596007671 Rating: 4.5 Stars
Раздел: Книги | 10.09.05 | 02:30
Nokia Smartphone Hacks (Hacks)
Новость от: diim
Nokia Smartphone Hacks (Hacks) Michael Juntao Yuan Rls date: 09.01.05 | Edition: July 25, 2005 | CHM | iSBN : 0596009615 Publisher: O'Reilly Nokia's smartphones pack a powerful computer into a very small space. Unlike your desktop or laptop, your smallest computer can be connected to the Internet all the time, and can interact with the world around it through its camera, voice recognition, and its traditional phone keypad. Nokia smartphones combine these features with impressive storage options and a host of networking protocols that make this smallest computer the only thing a road warrior truly needs. If you're still cracking open your laptop or pining for your desktop while you're on the road, you haven't begun to unlock your Nokia's full potential. Nokia Smartphone Hacks is dedicated to tricking out your smartphone and finding all the capabilities lurking under the surface. Learn how to:
Раздел: Книги | 07.09.05 | 22:45
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