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Creating Vista Gadgets: Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Examples in RSS, Ajax, ActiveX (COM) and Silverlight
Новость от: Fizzer

A one-stop resource for each aspect of designing and developing Sidebar gadgets, perfect for anyone who wants to create killer gadgets Explores one of the super cool features new to Windows Vista -- the Sidebar It is a one-stop resource for each aspect of designing and developing Sidebar gadgets, perfect for anyone who wants to create killer gadgets Includes complete design instructions for four never-before-seen gadgets Windows Vista Sidebar is a panel located on the desktop of a PC where gadgets can be placed for easy access and reference. These gadgets are small, single-purpose applications, such as clocks, calendars, games, RSS notifiers, search tools, stock tickers, etc, that reside on the Windows desktop and on the Windows Sidebar. The book will be a tutorial to design and develop a gadget. It will provide ready-to-use samples using .NET, XML, CSS and AJAX. After reading the book, a web developer/designer will be confident enough to start developing gadgets for Windows Vista Sidebar. The beginner portion of the book shows an overview of the subject with the design pattern, the architecture and implementation details. The later sections will have solid examples for instant results. In short, the book will tell how to do everything with Sidebar Gadgets using solid, unique examples. Brief outline: " Brief background on Gadgets " Define architecture, design consideration and implementation to give a clear view to the developer " Step by step, create a useful Gadget sample "My Blogs" " Elaborate the architecture design constraint and implementation details for the sample " Detail the standard practices " Recheck the gadget created for standard practices " Improvise and Improve with compare and contrast " Add advanced samples with .NET, AJAX and XHTML.

Раздел: Книги | 15.06.08 | 18:54
Playboy July 2008 US
Новость от: Niller

PDF | EN | 50,3 MB | 148 pages

Раздел: Книги | 15.06.08 | 14:42
Playboy Girls With Girls 2008
Новость от: Niller

PDF | EN | 21,1 MB | 85 pages

Раздел: Книги | 13.06.08 | 15:01
FHM July 2008 DE
Новость от: Niller

PDF | DE | 64,8 MB | 134 pages

Раздел: Книги | 10.06.08 | 05:30
Журнал "Игромания" №6 (129) Июнь 2008
Новость от: andrej

Июньский (№6) номер лучшего русскоязычного журнала посвященного индустрии компьютерных игр - "Игромания". На его глянцевых страницах Вы найдете обзоры новинок компьютерных игр, прохождения, голосования. А также игровые тестирования новинок высокопроизводительного "железа" и много других интересных материалов.

Раздел: Книги | 09.06.08 | 19:38
Журнал Maxim 06/2008
Новость от: andrej

Журнал MAXIM радует познавательными материалами из всех областей, доступных человеческому пониманию, а уж за пределами этого понимания журналу вообще нет равных. Именно поэтому всё больше читателей становятся постоянными. Ведь купив один номер, невозможно не купить следующий! В июньском номере тебя ждет описание 50 экстравагантных способов избавиться от скуки в любой самой тоскливой гостинице планеты. Далее мы тебе расскажем о стране, куда ни в коем случае не стоит мчаться отдыхать со своими бесчисленными подругами: о Северной Корее.

Раздел: Книги | 09.06.08 | 17:58
PC World Magazine July 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 132 pages | 23.43 MB

Раздел: Книги | 07.06.08 | 22:58
PC Magazine July 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 114 pages | 20 MB

Раздел: Книги | 07.06.08 | 22:22
Делаем сами №6 2008
Новость от: iLena
Название: Делаем сами №6 2008
Автор: коллектив
Год издания: 2008
Страниц: 36
Формат: Pdf
Размер: 7.24 Mb


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Гарнитур из табурета и скамейки
Летняя кухня
Ограждение из природного камня
С удилищем — за яблоками
Домик для игр
Раздел: Книги | 06.06.08 | 17:37
CHIP № 5 Май 2008
Новость от: iLena

PDF | 131 стр. | 9.86 Mb

Раздел: Книги | 06.06.08 | 16:28
Quickstart Apache Axis2
Новость от: Fizzer

Everything you need to create secure, reliable and easy-to-use web services using Apache Axis2. Packed with real-life examples, you will learn how to
work with Axis2 in a fast and practical way. You will learn to build SOAP and REST web services and APIs for your web applications.

In Detail:
Axis2 is an enterprise-ready web service engine that is very user friendly and provides web service interactions with a dynamic and flexible execution framework.
Apache Axis2 is a core engine for web services with two implementations: Apache Axis2/Java and Apache Axis2/C. It is a complete redesign and rewrite of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack that builds on the lessons learned from the Apache Axis implementation of the SOAP submission to W3C. Apache Axis2 not only supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2, but also has integrated support for the widely popular REST-style of web services. The same business logic implementation can offer both a WS-* style interface and a REST/POX style interface simultaneously.
Apache Axis2 is more efficient, more modular, more scalable, and more XML-oriented than the older version. It is carefully designed to support the easy addition of plug-in modules that extend its functionality for features such as security and reliability. Apache Axis2 is built on Apache AXIOM, a new high performance, pull-based XML object model. This book will take you through the basics of web services and Axis2 to the details of Axis2’s architecture.
Раздел: Книги | 05.06.08 | 20:23
Get to the Top on Google: Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings -- and Stay There
Новость от: Fizzer

Written in a clear, non-technical, style by a leading expert in SEO (search engine optimization), GTTTOG explains techniques and strategies proven to return higher search engine rankings and sales. It addresses all aspects of search engine marketing and includes an assessment of the impact of Web 2.0 on Internet search strategies.

Раздел: Книги | 05.06.08 | 20:15
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers
Новость от: Fizzer

If you need a book that relates the core principles of quantum mechanics to modern applications in engineering, physics, and nanotechnology, this is it. Students will appreciate the book's applied emphasis, which illustrates theoretical concepts with examples of nanostructured materials, optics, and semiconductor devices. The many worked examples and more than 160 homework problems help students to problem solve and to practice applications of theory. Without assuming a prior knowledge of high-level physics or classical mechanics, the text introduces Schrodinger's equation, operators, and approximation methods. Systems, including the hydrogen atom and crystalline materials, are analyzed in detail. More advanced subjects, such as density matrices, quantum optics, and quantum information, are also covered. Practical applications and algorithms for the computational analysis of simple structures make this an ideal introduction to quantum mechanics for students of engineering, physics, nanotechnology, and other disciplines. Additional resources available from www.cambridge.org/9780521897839.

Раздел: Книги | 04.06.08 | 20:34
Technologies for Home Networking
Новость от: Fizzer
A broad overview of the home networking field, ranging from wireless technologies to practical applications

In the future, it is expected that private networks (e.g., home networks) will become part of the global network ecosystem, participating in sharing their own content, running IP-based services, and possibly becoming service providers themselves. This is already happening in the so-called "social networks" and peer-to-peer file sharing networks on the Internet—making this emerging topic one of the most active research areas in the wireless communications field.

This book bridges the gap between wireless networking and service research communities, which, until now, have confined their work to their respective fields. Here, a number of industry professionals and academic experts have contributed chapters on various aspects of the subject to present an overview of home networking technologies with a special emphasis on the user as the center of all activities. Coverage includes:

Networked home use cases and scenarios
Media format, media exchange, and media interoperability
Location-aware device and service discovery
Security in smart homes
Secure service discovery protocol implementation for wireless ad-hoc networks
Multimedia content protection in consumer networks
Mobile device connectivity in home networks
Unlicensed mobile access/generic access network
Wireless sensor networks in the home
Ultra-wideband and sensor networking in the home environment

With a balanced mix of practice and theory, Technologies for Home Networking focuses on the latest technologies for speedier, more reliable wireless networking and explains how to facilitate workable end-to-end solutions from a user's perspective. This book is an ideal resource for practicing engineers, designers, and managers with an interest in home networking and also serves as a valuable text for graduate stud
Раздел: Книги | 04.06.08 | 20:14
Домашний ПК №6 (Июнь - 2008)
Новость от: andrej

«Домашний ПК» – один из самых распространённых журналов XXI века, рассказывающий о роли информационных технологий, о компьютерном стиле жизни. Регулярно публикуются материалы о сети Internet, компьютерных играх, мультимедиа, новинках программного и аппаратного обеспечения. «Домашний ПК» – это эффективное руководство по выбору и покупке новой техники для домашнего и личного пользования.

Раздел: Книги | 03.06.08 | 19:01
Macworld July 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 120 pages | 20.45 MB

Раздел: Книги | 01.06.08 | 23:58
Playboy College Girls July-August 2008
Новость от: Niller

PDF | EN | 26.71 MB | 90 pages

Раздел: Книги | 29.05.08 | 14:56
Fedora 8. Руководство пользователя
Новость от: diim

Эта книга поможет быстро освоить новую версию дистрибутива Linux Fedora 8. В ней рассказывается, как установить Fedora 8 и выполнить базовую настройку системы после установки, организовать подключение к Интернету, настроить и использовать браузер Firefox, брандмауэр, загрузчик GRUB.

Подробно объясняется, как установить, настроить и работать с менеджером пакетов, антивирусом, офисным пакетом OpenOffice 2.3, мультимедиа средствами системы и другим программным обеспечением. Обсуждается, как настроить работу видеокарты, монитора, периферийных устройств (принтера, сканера), подключить к системе второй монитор или телевизор.
Раздел: Книги | 28.05.08 | 01:27
Smartphone and Pocket PC Magazine 2008 June/July
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 96 pages | 8.16 MB

Раздел: Книги | 26.05.08 | 13:08
CPU July 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 112 pages | 21.16 MB

Раздел: Книги | 26.05.08 | 11:29
PC World Magazine June 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 144 pages | 12 MB

Раздел: Книги | 26.05.08 | 08:59
PC Magazine June 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 124 pages | 24.11 MB

Раздел: Книги | 26.05.08 | 08:24
Playboy's Nude Playmates 2008 (USA)
Новость от: Niller

PDF | EN | 9.89 MB | 88 pages

Раздел: Книги | 25.05.08 | 13:27
Playboy's Natural Beauties April-May 2008
Новость от: Niller

PDF | EN | 12,0 MB | 112 pages

Раздел: Книги | 23.05.08 | 16:48
Penthouse june 2008
Новость от: Ledworld

PDF | English | 150 pages | 36.59 MB

Раздел: Книги | 22.05.08 | 09:40
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