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Softinterface Appz AIO by pichu
Новость от: slam
Просмотров: 1593
Подборка программ от Softinterface, Inc. для работы с текстовыми файлами и файлами изображений: редактирование, конвертирование в другие форматы...


Appz from Softinterface, Inc. for work with texts/images files: edit, convert in other formats...

Full images:



Diff Doc v3.45

Document comparison. Compare files of all types PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, RTF, XML, HTM, TXT documents and retain the formatting

Edit the documents within this application, and refresh manually

Integrated into the Explorer Shell (Windows Explorer, Desktop, Find in Files, etc.) for quick comparisons

Navigate easily through the differences

Compares text from any application

Paragraph differences are highly detailed

Both Side By Side and All In One views are supported.

Save any of the views as DOC, Text, RTF or HTML format.

Detailed HTML Reports now possible allowing of printing and e-mailing results quickly. Both Side By Side and All In One compare reports are supported

Run it from the command line for automation

The best document comparison tool you've never used...till today!

Convert Excel v3.39

Convert Excel/CSV,TXT files to many different file types. (Many CSV massaging methods)

Copy Specific Sheet Data or a whole set of worksheets from the same or different workbook. Specify ranges!

Append/Concatenate specified data of a named sheet from a whole folder of workbooks to a single sheet

Copy entire worksheet (including formatting) to the same or different workbook, and specify location within the workbook.

Add a new sheet and specify where to place the new sheet

Delete a single or whole range of sheets within a workbook

Move a sheet to a specific place within a workbook

Rename an existing sheet

Run from the Command Line or batch files

Convert Image v1.81

Convert images of many types including TIFF, JPEG, BMP, EMF, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, ICO, CUR, ANI, WMF, RAS, J2K. Convert Tiff

Easy to use. Do subfolders.

Save and restore complex conversion configurations

Manipulate images by using special effects/filters

Rotate, resize, , flip, shift, perspective, skew, twirl and more!

All parameters, including source and target files, conversion options etc. are persistent across runs of the program

Batch can be stopped midway and resumed at a later time

Can be adapted for all languages

Command line (Invisible at runtime) for use in scripts

COM Interface for use in scripts

Complete flexibility, complete power

Convert Image To PDF v2.04

Suports BMP, TIFF, JPG, GIF and many more. Convert Tiff to PDF

Command line (Invisible at runtime) and GUI execution. Complete flexibility, complete power. Scheduler included.

Easy to use

Save and restore complex conversion configurations

Supports over 20 image file types. Convert TIFF to PDF, Convert JPG to PDF, Convert BMP to PDF, etc.

All parameters, including source and target files, conversion options etc. are persistent across runs of the program.

Batch can be stopped midway and resumed at a later time.

Convert Doc v 3.83

Supports document conversion of PDF, MS Word, RTF, HTML, TXT and more... MS Word/Acrobat is NOT required

Choose between using our own conversion or MS Word's conversion algorithm

PDF Format supported

Save and restore complex conversion configurations

All parameters, including source and target files, conversion options, etc., are persistent across runs of the program

Batch can be stopped midway and resumed at a later time

Command line (invisible at run time) and GUI execution.

23.6 MB


Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

Чтобы Скачать с rapidshare !
Кликаем по ссылке, далее еще раз внизу страницы на кнопу "Free", ждем 20-40 секунд до появления картинки с символами.
Вводим эти символы в поле и кликаем "Start Download".

Thx to yashar and friends!

Уважаемые пользователи nowa.cc и 2baksa.ws. У нас сложилось тяжёлое финансовое положение. Мы работаем для вас вот уже более 15 лет и сейчас вынуждены просить о помощи. Окажите посильную поддержку проектам. Мы очень надеемся на вас. Реквизиты для переводов ниже.
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Кошелек для вашей помощи YooMoney 4100117770549562
YooMoney Спасибо за поддержку!

Раздел: Наборы AIO | 30.09.06 | 17:32

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
bambur12 30.09.06 | 20:04:58

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