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Building Websites in Flash 8, From LearnFlash.com video training by Virus-24/7
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Просмотров: 2570
Видео-уроки от Virus-24/7 для создания своего сайта используя Flash. Для работы необходима программа Macromedia Flash 8.

Building Websites in Flash 8, From LearnFlash.com video training by Virus-24/7

You need to have Macromedia Flash 8

1 - Building a Basic Website (Running Time: 18:32)
Building a basic website in Flash can be easier than you might think. In this video, Craig teaches you some of the basic theory behind putting a website together using Flash, and he jumps right in and gets you started creating your first website.
2 - Making it Work (Running Time: 21:40)
A website won't do you much good if your buttons won't take you from one page to the next. In this video, Craig shows you how to add actions to your buttons in order to create basic navigation for your site.
3 - Adding Button Actions to a Frame (Running Time: 17:32)
You've added actions to your button instances themselves, but do you know how to create the same functionality by adding the actions to a frame instead of a button? In this video, Craig will show you how to keep all your Actionscript in one central area by adding actions for your buttons to a frame.
4 - Animated Buttons (Running Time: 18:04)
Make your boring buttons a little more compelling by animating them! In this video, Craig will show you how to do just that.
5 - Movie Clip Buttons, Part 1 (Running Time: 16:19)
Ignore everything you've learned about buttons so far . . . well, not everything. In this video, Craig introduces the concept of creating buttons using movie clip symbols instead of button symbols. This technique allows you a little more flexibility--and hence, a little more creativity--with your buttons.
6 - Movie Clip Buttons, Part 2 (Running Time: 19:02)
Now that you've created your movie clip buttons, Craig will show you in this video how to add actions to them to make them function properly. He then walks you through a quick discussion of duplicating movie clips in order to make multiple buttons for a menu.
7 - Invisible Buttons (Running Time: 7:21)
In this video, Craig will discuss the use of invisible buttons to create clickable hotspots in your website. He also hints at another use of the invisible button, which will be discussed in detail in a later video.
8 - Button Instances (Running Time: 9:01)
In this video, Craig discusses the difference between symbols and instances of symbols. He uses a set of button instances to illustrate his point.
9- Button Rollover Effects (Running Time: 19:09)
In this video, you will learn how to add a rollOver action to your buttons that will trigger an event in a separate movie clip. In other words, when you hover over the "home" button, you'll see a cute little animation of a house on the opposite side of the stage
10 - Popup Menus (Running Time: 33:54)
In this self-explanatory video, Craig will show you how to create a popup menu. In the process, you will finally learn another use for the aforementioned invisible button.
11 - Simple Page Transitions (Running Time: 13:14)
Transitioning from one page in your website to another can be pretty boring if you don't try to give it a little life. In this video, Craig will show you how to create simple, animated transitions between the pages of your website.
12- A Note About Hit States (Running Time: 12:06)
In all versions of Flash before version 8 hit the shelves, Flash developers had to be very concerned with hit states, especially when creating a button that consisted only of text. In this video, Craig explains how that concern has been greatly lessened in Flash 8, and he also discusses cases in which you will still need to use a hit state. Also, he will show you how to create a hit state for a movie clip button.

91.6 MB


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Thx to yashar and friends!

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Раздел: Разное | 22.10.06 | 16:54

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
b0skin 22.10.06 | 19:57:08

Hopefully there are many people out there
who keep gratefully appreciating your efforts, guys !!!
StranJer 22.10.06 | 22:43:21

Спасибо большое, очень хороший релиз. biggrin
teobchi 23.10.06 | 02:33:11

biggrin biggrin biggrin
szpotak 23.10.06 | 19:47:03

sad http://2baksa.net wrong password??????????
santana 23.10.06 | 22:27:54

Pass: http://2baksa.net smile
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