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Building Websites in Flash 8, From LearnFlash.com video training (pack #2 & pack #3) by Virus-24/7
Новость от: slam
Просмотров: 2664
Видео-уроки от Virus-24/7 для создания своего сайта используя Flash (релиз 2 и 3). Для работы необходима программа Macromedia Flash 8.

Building Websites in Flash 8, From LearnFlash.com video training (pack #2 & pack #3) by Virus-24/7

Building Websites in Flash 8, From LearnFlash.com video training (pack #2) by Virus-24/7

Full image:

13 - Building a One-Frame Website, Part 1 (Running Time: 17:06)
If you try to put all your animations on the main timeline, it will start to become very bulky very quickly. In this video, Craig will illustrate how to create an entire website that only takes up one frame in the main timeline.
14 - Building a One-Frame Website, Part 2 (Running Time: 13:05)
In this video, Craig demonstrates a second method for consolidating your main timeline in one frame. This method involves stacking all your websites on top of each other in the form of movie clips and then turning them off and on as needed.
15 - Functions (Running Time: 22:00)
All you designers out there are probably cringing at the title of this video . . . but don't worry. In this video, Craig will ease your Actionscript-induced fears as he explains in very simple terms what a function is and how it works. He discusses and demonstrates the use of functions with and without parameters.
16 - The currentPage Variable (Running Time: 32:22)
Variables! Another programming term that makes right-brained designers shudder. Admittedly, the concepts in this video start to get a little tricky for the beginning Actionscripter, but it's a crucial concept to understand in order to make your page navigations more robust.
17 - Website Tour (Running Time: 4:06)
It's finally time to get started on the project website for the video series. In this video, Craig will walk you through the website you will be creating.
18 - Assembling the Stage (Running Time: 30:33)
As the construction of the project begins, Craig walks you through the layout and assembly of the skeleton of the project website.
19 - Grand Hotel Buttons, Part 1 (Running Time: 35:48)
In this video, Craig puts all of his button tutorials into use as he walks you through the creation of the buttons on the main menu of the project website.
20 - Grand Hotel Buttons, Part 2 (Running Time: 20:22)
Above the main menu on the project website is another set of three buttons that look and behave a little differently than the buttons on the main menu. After encouraging you to put your skills to the test by creating the button animations on your own, Craig shows you his process for assembling the buttons.
21 - Creating a Simple Preloader (Running Time: 19:49)
If your users have to sit and stare at a blank screen until your website is finally finished loading, chances are you will lose many potential viewers. In this video, Craig explains the importance of letting your users know that your website is indeed loading, and he shows you how to create a simple preloader that will do the trick.
22 - Creating an Intermediate Preloader (Running Time: 13:31)
In this video, Craig will show you how to take your preloader to the next level by adding a percentage counter to your preloader. This lets the user know exactly how much of the website has been loaded. This way, the user will know if he has time to go grab a cup of coffee

134.1 MB (2 parts)

100 MB

Download/Скачать - Building_a_Website_in_Flash_2.part1.rar

34.1 MB

Download/Скачать - Building_a_Website_in_Flash_2.part2.rar

Building a Website in Flash 8, LearnFlash.com video training 'pack # 3' by Virus-24/7

Full image:

23 - Creating an Advanced Preloader (Running Time: 11:03)
By the end of this video, you'll be an expert at creating preloaders. Using some of the same information he used in the last video, Craig will explain how to create a loading bar preloader, which gives the user a visual representation of how much of the website has been loaded.
24 - Grand Hotel Preloader (Running Time: 24:19)
This video walks you through a somewhat complicated, though often used, variation on the loading bar preloader. The preloader created in this video will be added to the Grand Hotel project website.
25 - Loading an External swf (Running Time: 20:06)
If the user had to wait for an entire website to load before he or she even saw the home page, chances are he or she would have plenty of time to grab that cup of coffee we mentioned earlier. This video demonstrates how to create and load separate Flash files that serve as different sections of the website.
26 - Creating a Mask Animation (Running Time: 25:43)
In this video, we take a little break from all the complicated Actionscript mumbo-jumbo to create a super cool animation effect for animating your pages onto the stage.
27 - Loading Text from an External Text File (Running Time: 29:55)
Opening up an FLA file in Flash every time you need to make textual changes to your website can really be a pain. In this video, Craig shows you how to tie a dynamic text field to an external text file. Using this method, when you need to update the text on your site, all you have to do is open up Notepad and go to town on your text.
28 - Importing Video (Running Time: 20:44)
If you haven't already purchased Flash 8, this video might just be the one that pushes you over the edge and forces you to get it. In this video, Craig shows you how incredibly simple it is to import video into Flash in version 8.

136.8 MB (2 parts)

100 MB

Download/Скачать - Building_a_Website_in_Flash_3.part1.rar

36.8 MB

Download/Скачать - Building_a_Website_in_Flash_3.part2.rar

Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

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Thx to yashar and friends!

Уважаемые пользователи nowa.cc и 2baksa.ws. У нас сложилось тяжёлое финансовое положение. Мы работаем для вас вот уже более 15 лет и сейчас вынуждены просить о помощи. Окажите посильную поддержку проектам. Мы очень надеемся на вас. Реквизиты для переводов ниже.
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Раздел: Разное | 25.10.06 | 23:07

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
simitar 26.10.06 | 01:31:44

Fine smile
teobchi 26.10.06 | 03:31:27

biggrin biggrin biggrin
b0skin 26.10.06 | 12:08:12

Lotta thx again !
ehabtion 26.10.06 | 16:06:58

files were deleted ! we need help question question
radu 26.10.06 | 16:19:24

sad ( they are moving very fast i need the part 2 lol wink
radu 26.10.06 | 18:43:14

And from http://filepost.ru/?page=42... it is saying that i need to be vip cry
hyakovlev 26.10.06 | 20:10:13

Блин... Поудаляли все... Залейте заново! Оч. надо!
resterow 27.10.06 | 15:08:49

i learn

radu 27.10.06 | 20:47:55

pleaseeeeeeeee upload them again coz they are deleted wink
agvargan 22.12.06 | 19:59:16

блин, надо очень... перезалейте плиз
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