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Ergonomics Software Pack (AiO by vertigo173)
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1286
Пакет программного обеспечения, всё в одном Ergonomics Software от vertigo173.

Package of the software, all in one Ergonomics Software from vertigo173.

Ergonomics Software Pack AiO

by: vertigo173

Type: AiO [All-in-One]
Size: 27.0 MB

A lot of work went into the creation of this. Please give credit where credit is due!

NOTE: Make sure your screen resolution is set to 1024x768 or higher to view this correctly.


This packs includes 4 small freeware programs for the typical office everyday life.



EyeCare Reminder 1.0.17

This system tray program helps reduce computer eye strain by reminding the user to take a breaks from staring at the CRT. The user is reminded every 10 minutes to focus on a distance object and every 20 minutes to get up and stretch. The reminder intervals can be adjusted from 1 to 60 minutes.

The system tray icon menu gives easy control of the program, including whether or not to launch the program automatically at startup. Clicking the icon pauses/unpauses the reminders for when you are away.


GYM-O-FIZZ is an inter-active fitness fun for the office. With the help of your PC and GYM-O-FIZZ you can improve your physical and mental efficiency as well as your general well-being and health in the easiest possible way.

The typical office everyday life - a danger for your health You spend the majority of your working day sitting in front of a PC and you can feel your body stiffening up. You are getting neck and backache more often. You forget to make short breaks in order to recharge and take a deep breath because you are under so much pressure. You have the feeling that you are getting more and more burnt out.

The solution: active breaks at your desk This is how GYM-O-FIZZ turns your PC into your personal fitness trainer. The breaktimer, a type of short time alarm clock, reminds you at regular intervals to take active breaks. Many short exercises that take approx. one minute, added together they provide a total of 10 to 30 minutes training per day.

RSI Warrior 2.1

RSI Warrior is a fantastic freeware ergonomics software package which helps computer users prevent and recover from computer-related Repetitive Strain Injuries. It achieves this by providing the user:

Rest break reminders that are timed based on how hard you actually work at the computer, and designed to be as unintrusive as possible.

Over 20 professionally designed stretches shown during rest breaks to guide you through your stretching break. These stretches are presented as 3D animations.

Microbreaks which give you time to briefly relax, regain awareness of your posture and work patterns, and maintain awareness of how your body feels.

Tracking & reporting of key work statistics to help you understand how you use your computer.

Automatic clicking to eliminate the strain associated with mouse clicking. This works by automatically dispatching a click whenever you stop moving the mouse. This works great if your RSI is induced by over-clicking.

Workrave 1.83

Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit. Please refer to the feature comparison for a complete list of features, and how the program performs with respect to other programs on the market.


Thanks & Enjoy!
- vertigo173

Download: 27 MB

Credits to vertigo173 and yashar!

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