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Learn Python Programming in 3 Days: Python Coding Introduction Handbook for Beginners (2022)
Новость от: Mansory1
Просмотров: 1404

Хотите выучить Python как основной язык всего за 3 дня? Хочешь стать программистом и не знаешь с чего начать? Вы программист, который просто хочет изучить Python? Не смотрите дальше, эта книга для вас! Python считается одним из лучших языков программирования в мире. Отчасти причина в том, насколько легко его выучить по сравнению с другими языками, поэтому его изучение, несомненно, откроет для вас новые горизонты.


Do you want to learn python as a primary language in as fast as 3 days? Do you want to be programmer and you just don’t know where to start? Are you a programmer that just wants to learn python? Look no further this book is for you! Python is considered to be one of the best programming languages in the world. Part of its reason is how easy it is to learn it compared to other languages, so learning it will undoubtably open new horizons for you.

This book is intended for beginners and anyone seeking to learn python. No prior programming skills are needed to take this course, but off course some basic computer skills will be a bonus to your learning experience.

The course is designed to be completed in just 3 days. However, you can take it at your own pace. Each chapter in the course will represent a day and every sub-topic represent topics that will be covered in a day.

Here’s what you can expect:
Day 1
You will be introduced to python beginning from its history
You will learn how to set up your environment
You will learn the ABC (syntax) of the language
Data Types
Day 2
Arithmetic operators
Conditionals and loops
Day 3
Classes and Objects
Working with files and exceptions
Additional things to know

At the end of each section, you should expect an exercise to test your knowledge. Do not proceed to the next topic if you do not understand the previous one. Make sure you have a solid idea of each and every topic. You can consult other materials online that cover the same topics that I do in the book so you have more understanding.

Автор | Author: Jonathan M
Язык | Lang: English
Количество страниц | Number of pages: 175
Формат | Format: EPUB
Размер | Size: 1 MB

Learn Python Programming in 3 Days: Python Coding Introduction Handbook for Beginners (2022)

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Раздел: Книги | 25.04.22 | 16:07

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