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Ray.Radardetector and DVR (Smart Driver) [Android]
Новость от: Mansory1
Просмотров: 827
Smart Driver - незаменимое приложение для водителей, сочетающее в себе видеорегистратор и предупреждения о дорожных опасностях (камеры контроля скорости, стационарные радары, дорожная полиция, посты ГИБДД и другие опасные дорожные объекты).

Smart Driver is an indispensable app for drivers that combines video recorder and warnings about road hazards (speed cameras, fixed radars, traffic police, traffic police posts and other dangerous road objects).

How it works: when you drive too close to a road camera and you exceed the allowed speed, the app will notify you with sound alerts. Download the app now and save on the fines today!
You no longer need a stationary video recorder to reduce the risk of misconduct from other drivers or the traffic police. You don't need the radar detector too. With Smart Driver, you already have all this in your smartphone or tablet.
Smart Driver works in the background mode - you can use it with navigation apps. While you are driving, the app notifies you about road hazards by voice and visual tips, records video with sound in a background mode without stopping other apps.

Currently the app database includes road hazards for the following countries:
- EU
- UK
- Ukraine
- Belarus
- Russia
- Turkey
- Brazil
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- Kazakhstan
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan

The application available in English, Spanish, Russian, German, Polish and Portuguese languages.

Требования | Requirements: Android 5.0 and up
Язык | Lang: English / Multilingual / Русский
Официальный Сайт | Homepage: Google play
Размер | Size: 41.9 MB

Ray.Radardetector and DVR (Smart Driver) [Android] - Premium version

Зеркало/Mirror - Up-load.io

Зеркало/Mirror - Oxy.cloud

Зеркало/Mirror - TurboBit.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Мобила | 17.09.22 | 14:54

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