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Quicken WillMaker & Trust 2023 v23.3.2828
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 445

Quicken WillMaker & Trust - это самый простой способ создать план недвижимости, если вы только начинаете или хотите обновить свои предыдущие договоренности. Это мощное программное обеспечение проведет вас через процесс от начала до конца, предоставляя вам практическую и юридическую информацию, необходимую для принятия оптимальных решений для вас и вашей семьи. Quicken WillMaker Plus - оригинальное программное обеспечение для написания завещаний, регулярно создаваемое и обновляемое экспертами Nolo.


Nolo's WillMaker is America's #1 estate planning software. Get immediate access to easy-to-use software and create your customized will today. Make a living trust, healthcare directive, power of attorney and so much more. There's never been an easier, more affordable way to protect your family, home and assets.

America’s #1 Estate Planning Software
- You get a customized estate plan, including a will, living trust, health care directive, financial power of attorney, and other essential documents.
- An easy-to-use interview format that lets you complete documents at your own pace.
- A user-friendly legal manual answers common questions.
- A team of lawyer-editors working to ensure each document reflects the laws of your state.
* Estate planning documents not valid in Louisiana, U.S. Territories or Canada.

Here’s a closer look at what you can do with Nolo's Quicken WillMaker & Trust 2023

The heart of every estate plan is a will, also known as a last will and testament. This legal document puts you in control of who inherits your property and who would take care of your children if it were ever necessary. Without a will, state law determines these issues. Your will also allows you to name an executor (sometimes called a “personal representative”) to carry out our wishes. And you can appoint a trusted person to manage property left to young people. With Nolo's Quicken WillMaker & Trust, you can revise and update your will whenever you like.

Living Trust
Distribute your assets and provide property management while keeping your trust property out of lengthy and expensive probate proceedings after you die.

Health Care Directive
Spare your loved ones difficult decisions by laying out your wishes for medical care and naming someone to carry out your instructions. Includes a health care power of attorney and a living will.

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances
A durable power of attorney ensures that someone you trust (called your "agent" or "attorney-in-fact") will be on hand to manage the many practical, financial tasks that will arise if you become incapacitated. For example, bills must be paid, bank deposits must be made and someone must handle insurance and benefits paperwork. In most cases, a durable power of attorney for finances is the best way to take care of tasks like these. You can also give your attorney-in-fact authority over your digital assets.

Documents for your Executor
Make sure your executor has all the forms and instructions necessary to do the job: checklists, letters, notices and claim forms.

Financial Arrangements
Plan a funeral or other ceremony and ease the burden on your loved ones. Describe your preferences for burial, cremation, memorials, obituaries and more.

Information for Caregivers and Survivors
Organize your information so that your survivors don't have to. Use these documents to give them details about everything from bank accounts, to passwords, to the names of people you'd like contacted in the event of your illness or death.

Letters to Survivors
Use the Letter to Survivors to leave your loved ones detailed explanations about your decisions. For example, you may want to let them know why you made certain gifts or named a particular person to be your executor. You can also use your letter to leave some general thoughts about your life.

Personal Finance Document
Over a dozen forms let you handle common financial situations, such as lending or borrowing money between friends or family, creating a bill of sale, and closing a credit card account.

Home and Family Documents
Practical forms you can use every day to help run your home and keep your family safe, including authorizations and agreements, promissory notes, limited powers of attorney, and child and elder care forms.

System Requirements
- Computer: 1 GHz or higher
- Operating System: Windows 8.1/10/11
- Memory: Minimum 2GB
- Hard Disk Space: 54 MB free space; for Windows up to 1.5 GB if .NET is not installed
- Software: PDF Viewer

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://store.nolo.com
Размер | Size: 41 MB

Quicken WillMaker & Trust 2023 v23.3.2828 pre-patched

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Раздел: Программы | 31.05.23 | 20:56

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