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Sequence Generator Pro QSI Edition
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 339
Sequence Generator Pro, наша цель - предоставить лучший в своем классе набор для захвата изображений для астрофотографии. На протяжении многих лет мы были разочарованы явным отсутствием ключевых особенностей, которые облегчают жизнь под звездами. У нас много оборудования, и иногда сложно объединить все это. Мы создали программное обеспечение, которое способно выполнять сложные последовательности событий захвата, что позволит вам тратить больше времени на поиск и меньше времени на борьбу с вашей установкой.
Our goal is to provide a best-in-class image capture suite for astrophotography. Over the years we have been frustrated by a distinct lack of key features that make life easier under the stars. You have a lot of equipment and sometimes it is difficult to get it all working together. We have written software that is capable of executing complex sequences of capture events which will allow you to spend more time looking up and less time fighting with your rig. Powerful Sequencing Take advantage of Sequence Generator Pro's powerful sequencing engine. With it you can coordinate a wide variety of equipment including cameras (CCD and Canon DSLRs), color filters, focus controllers and telescopes. String together any variety of targets and events you can imagine in order to capture "light", "dark", "bias" or "flat" frames (you can even use events to define "pause" or "mount park" events). Equipment Profiles Use our profile manager to make your life easier. Have multiple mounts or scopes? Have multiple sets of filters? Do they require different settings when you create sequences? The profile manager can record these settings and allow you create new sequences from existing profiles. This can be a huge time saver and will get you imaging faster every time! Auto Focus Stay in focus even when the temperature doesn't want you to! Our powerful focus metrics will be able to determine proper focus for almost any deep space target. No need to slew off target to find suitable focus stars! Simply start your sequence in good focus and auto focus will take care of the rest! Automated Meridian Flip Use our powerful automation to flip your mount and continue imaging on the other side of the meridian! Sequence Generator Pro will automatically stop guiding, flip the mount, center the target within pixels, restart guiding and then resume your imaging sequence. No operator assistance is required. Flexible Focusing Patterns Use our flexible rules engine to define a wide variety of focusing patterns. These patterns can be used as part of the "in-sequence" auto focus routine (i.e. when temperature drops by 1 degree) or as a means to pause your sequence to force manual focus (via a focusing mask or other routine). Define patterns using time, frame intervals, temperature or filter changes. Target Framing Made Easy Use our powerful auto centering routines to find your target fast and start imaging! Ideal for multi-night imaging or even after meridian flips, we can get you back on track fast. Simply choose an image you want to center on (it can be your own or even something off the internet!) and with the click of a single button ask your mount to center itself and validate! Center on Any Part of an Existing Image With virtually any image that Sequence Generator Pro captures you can use the mouse to point to any area of interest and ask your mount to center itself there… with the click of a single button! Create Complex Mosaic Sequences in Mere Minutes With this tool you can plan complex mosaics in mere minutes and get to imaging quickly. Simply download the image that has your intended target (via the provided interface), rotate to find your camera angle, draw a square around the area of interest and start imaging (the tool will create a sequence for you). It's really that easy… You can also use this tool for single frame images just to ensure that your camera angle is in the ideal position. The Framing and mosaic wizard is an SGPro add-on module. Flat Frames Made Easy Sequence Generator Pro offers a host of tools to make capture of flats calibration data a breeze! Use the calibration wizard to automatically determine the best exposure length for your gear and then, using the flats wizard, you can automatically add flat frames to your sequence. Here are some key features of "Sequence Generator": - Dither between frames with your choice of three auto guiders (PHD, Astroart and MetaGuide) - Easily perform frame and focus routines (with support for subframes and high speed cameras) - Feel at home with our highly customizable user interface (drag, dock and float small modules for almost any action) - Over a dozen configurable UI modules (PHD graphing, Image Pan and Zoom, TEC control) - User defined TEC cool down and warm up routines (to minimize thermal stress on your camera’s sensitive components) - Between-frame temperature compensation - Easily create and run a “flats” sequences from your “lights” sequence - Detailed documentation and instructional videos - Near immediate customer support via email or our forum - Hundreds of other features! Официальный сайт | Home Page - http://mainsequencesoftware.com Размер | Size: 136.7 MB Sequence Generator Pro QSI Edition + crack-MADARA Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws
Раздел: Программы | 21.11.23 | 05:41
Design by DolpHin | Disclaimer Реклама | E-mail для связи: | Skype: diim_diim | ICQ: 400632 |