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Tag Clinic
Новость от: Dima555
Просмотров: 3303
MP3 Tag Clinic - программа для управления обширной коллекцией музыкальных файлов. Умеет редактировать ID3 теги MP3 файлов, может работать с именами файлов в пакетном режиме используя данные из тегов, поддерживает drag''n''drop, экспорт данных в CSV, HTML, Microsoft Excel , Microsoft Word, TXT и извлекать техническую информацию о каждом файле, создавать списки воспроизведения для WinAmp и т.п.


Real-time tag editor creates tag data by extracting it from file names, file paths, or by downloading it from MusicBrainz. Batch-renames files using existing tag data or data that you create, and with a straightforward interface that allows the quick creation of reusable naming templates. Rename a single file, selected files, or an entire folder of files. Preview and edit new names before they're applied, and undo changes if you change your mind.

Основные возможности:
· Поддержка тегов aac, .ape, .flac, .m4a, .mp3, .mp4, .mpc, .ogg, .vqf и .wma
· Сканирование папок
· Копирование полных ID3v1 и ID3v2
· Конвертирование ID3v2.2 в ID3v2.3
· Конвертирование ID3 тегов в ID3v2.3 иd ID3v2.4
· Конвертирование ID3v2 тегов в ASCII и Unicode
· Конвертирование Monkey тегов в 1.0 и 2.0
· Авто-извлечение MP3 тегов в ID3 1 и ID3 2
· Переименование файлов в tag дата
· Операций со всеми выделеными файлами
· Поддержка drag'n'drop
· Экспорт данных в CSV, HTML, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, TXT.

Main Features:
- Tag Support> ID3v1: mp3, aac, ape, flac, mpc; ID3v2: mp3, aac, ape, flac, mpc;
- APE: aac, ape, mpc; FLAC, M4A, MP4, OGG, VQF, WMA
- Convert ID3v2.2 to ID3v2.3
- Convert ID3 tags between ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4
- Convert ID3v2 tags between ASCII and Unicode
- Converts Monkey tags between v1.0 and 2.0
- Auto-synch MP3 tag data between ID3v1and ID3v2
- Rename files based on tag data
- Operates on all or just selected files
- Rename preview
- Rename undo
- Duplicate file name report generator
- User-defined renaming formats
- Extract tag data from file or folder names
- Folder scanning
- Backup and restore tag data to and from CSV and XLS files
- Find, Find Next, Find All, Find & Replace in tags and/or file names
- Directory-restructuring/file-relocation as files renamed
- Customizable column order and visibility
- User-defined data columns
- Multiple Comment, URL, and other tag fields
- Supports MusicMatch® custom information comment frames
- Supports Media Jukebox® custom information comment frames
- Supports iTunes® custom format frames
- Supports online tag data lookup via MusicBrainz (Windows XP and Vista)
- Contains internal player
- Normalizes audio volume
- Supports all URL fields
- Edits synchronized and unsynchronized lyrics
- Encapsulated Objects Editor
- Separate Genre Editors for both ID3v1 and ID3v2
- Capitalization Editor
- Column Editor
- Tag data importation by drag-and-drop
- File drag & drop
- Column and Row rearrangement by drag & drop
- Quick folder reloads from database file
- Intellipan via mouse wheel
- Multi-column sorting
- Tag removal
- Tag compression
- Separate popup menus for individual tag field edits and multi-file edits
- Four image browsers: one full view, two thumbnail, and one frame editor
- Auto-convert underbars and other characters, trim extra space, capitalize, and more
- View basic file spec data
- Play and enqueue files
- Create custom playlists
- Integrated file browser
- Print-preview and tag print
- Save to Text, MS Word®, MS Excel®, HTML, CSV, or XML file formats
- Help file included
- And...upgrades are still FREE!

1) v4.3 released
2) Adds MusicBrainz support
3) Adds internal player
10-17-06 (v4.3.0.1)
1) Recompiled for MS Vista RC1 compliance
12-07-06 (v4.3.0.5)
1) Recompiled for MS Vista Build 6000 compliance
12-09-06 (v4.3.0.6)
1) Adds Vista theme colorization option
1-02-07 (v4.3.0.8)
1) Adds Preferences option to include/exclude hidden folders
1-01-07 (v4.3.0.11)
1) Adds "aB to a B" to Single-Tag popup Tools menu
1-17-07 (v4.3.0.15)
1) Adds "Extract Track" to "More" popup menu submenu
2) Adds persistence to "User Text" popup paste entry
3) Adds "Track^Title" to template build selections
4) Adds "Title^Album" to template build selections
1-29-07 (v4.3.0.17)
1) Adds "comma+space" to list of Separators
2) Adds "underbar" to Default Capitalization Options
2-19-07 (v4.3.0.18)
1) Adds auto-rename while restoring from XLS backups
2) Adds total file size to playtime function
3-21-07 (v4.3.0.20)
1) Adds column context menu to header cells
2) Adds optional "Send To" link to system context menu
3) Adds 'Stereo/Mono' and 'Encoder' fields to exports
4-21-07 (v4.3.1.0)
1) Adds support for MusicBrainz' new XML interface
2) MusicBrainz support added for aac,flac,m4a,mp4,mpc,ogg, & wma
4-30-07 (v4.3.1.1)
1) Implements faster row-search algorithm
2) Encodes predefined text fields as UTF-8 for m4a, mp4 tags
6-16-07 (v4.3.1.4)
1) Adds thumbnail view to picture add dialog
2) Adds tilde to Separators
7-19-07 (v4.3.1.6)
1) Adds MusicBrainz tag lookup support for APE files
8-01-07 (v4.3.2.0)
1) Adds Publisher, Copyright, and Key columns
2) Adds space-tilde-space to Separators
8-07-07 (v4.3.2.2)
1) Adds support for FLAC pictures and many other fields
8-12-07 (v4.3.2.3)
1) Adds support for 48 additional APE fields
8-23-07 (v4.3.2.5)
1) Adds track auto-numbering
9-18-07 (v4.3.3.0)
1) Adds optional Thumbnail Image Panel overlay to File Window
2) Adds 'Auto-skip' to image viewers
3) Adds thumbnail image to Picture Frame Editor
10-18-07 (v4.3.3.1)
1) Adds Popularimeter column and Popularimeter Editor
2) Adds Popularimeter rating to MusicMatch rating conversion option
3) Adds MusicMatch rating to Popularimeter rating conversion option
4) Adds file extension capitalization option for multi-file renames
5) Adds font optimizations for flat panel displays
10-25-07 (v4.3.3.2)
1) Adds mute button to internal player
11-04-07 (v4.3.3.3)
1) Adds "Remove private frames while loading" to Preferences
2) Adds "Include v1 genre index in v2 genre" to Preferences
3) Adds Band^Title" to template build selections
11-12-07 (v4.3.3.4)
1) Adds "Selecting a second row unselects the first row" to Preferences
2) Improvements to "SendTo" menu
12-03-07 (v4.3.3.5)
1) Adds Browser background color option to Preferences
2) Adds optional support for Window's high contrast visibility mode
12-07-07 (v4.3.4.0)
1) Adds volume column
2) Adds volume normalization options
12-20-07 (v4.3.4.1)
1) Adds CBR spec validation option to Preferences
2) Adds file size to Print Settings/Save As options
12-24-07 (v4.3.4.2)
1) Adds Sort by Creation Date option
01-27-08 (v4.3.4.5)
1) Adds optional header text for Orch/Band column
2) Adds optional fill from Artist column for Artist Album column
02-01-08 (v4.3.4.6)
1) Adds second copy save option for ID3v2 genre list
02-09-08 (v4.3.5.0)
1) Adds "Part of Compilation" (POC) column
02-28-08 (v4.3.5.2)
1) Adds multiple configuration save/restore for column settings
05-09-08 (v4.3.5.3)
1) Adds Rating, Email, and Play Count fields to M4A/MP4
2) Changes Popularimeter rating dsiplay to 1-to-5 star ratings
05-18-08 (v4.3.6.0)
1) Adds column rearrangement via column drag-and-drop
06-27-08 (v4.3.7.0)
1) Major upgrade to m4a/mp4 tag engine

Официальный сайт | Home Page - http://www.kevesoft.com/tagclinic.htm

Размер: 7,30 МБ

Страница загрузки/Download - RapidShare

Зеркало/Mirror - DepositFiles

Зеркало/Mirror - Easy-Share

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

Tag Clinic by Dima555

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Раздел: Релизы | 31.07.08 | 22:44

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Vado1980 31.07.08 | 23:06:56

pentacik 01.08.08 | 00:01:47

cccccc 01.08.08 | 12:48:14

In DLL virus Proxy ... AVG 8.0.156
cccccc 01.08.08 | 13:01:17

No uncheck autoupdate... :-(
One minute ... not find TagClinic.dll... :-(
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