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Mount & Blade: Warband v1.125 (by TaleWorlds Entertainment) Eng/Ger/Fr/Tur/Chn
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 3940
Продолжение культовой ролевой игры Mount & Blade. Вас ждут улучшенная графика, новые возможности одиночной игры и великолепный мультиплеер. Проложите мечом дорогу к вершинам власти!
Желаете разбогатеть? Сколотите капитал на торговле или выйдите на большую дорогу. Мечтаете о славе? Побеждайте на турнирах либо испытайте удачу на войне. Берите приступом замки, громите вражеские войска на поле боя, разоряйте земли, завоевывая себе новые титулы и наделы.
Получите звание маршала, возглавьте всю армию страны и верно служите своему сюзерену. А захотите всей полноты власти — поднимите мятеж и займите место на троне!


In a land torn asunder by incessant warfare, it is time to assemble your own band of hardened warriors and enter the fray. Lead your men into battle, expand your realm, and claim the ultimate prize: the throne of Calradia.
In a genre all its own, come experience The one and only Medieval combat /kingdom building sandbox game. Mount and Blade Warband is a unique blend of intense strategic fighting, real time army command, and deep kingdom management.
Push your gaming skill to the max, in a multiplayer player experience wherein teamwork is paramount, timing is crucial, and skill is everything. Best your foes with realistic physics based combat, that takes into account momentum, attack timing, and position. Master the feeling of dozens of weapons and conquer all with true skill. Seek adventure alone and get lost in addictive empire building bliss or equally satisfying banditry. Be ambitious and claim the throne of Calradia, appoint vassals to manage lands, tax villagers, marry for power, fight for honor or cold expansionism.

• Огромный игровой мир: 6 больших королевств с множеством замков, городов и деревень.
• Реалистичная боевая система: сражайтесь конным и пешим.
• Десятки разнообразных квестов и сотни NPC: нападения на купцов, выслеживание бандитов, похищение возлюбленной из отеческого дома.
• Большой набор вооружения и доспехов, среди которых метательные топоры, боевые молоты, ятаганы, пластинчатая броня восточных ханств.
• 7 режимов сетевой игры с поддержкой до 64 человек, включая командный deathmatch, захват флага, осаду и другие.

• Graphical overhaul: Support added for HDR, FSAA, depth of field, soft particles, tone mapping, and many other effects
• New models with greater detail and high-quality textures
• Multiplayer battles with up to 64 players. Multiplayer modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Conquest, Battle, and Siege
• A campaign allowing you to become the ruler of a faction and convince lords to become your vassals
• The ability to upgrade your companions to vassals by granting them lands
• The ability to marry a lady of the realm for romance or cold political gain. Try to win a lady’s heart through poetry or bravery
• Improved mechanics for soldier morale: Soldiers will break and run away if their morale gets too low
• Pick any projectile off the battlefield for use as additional munitions
• New motion-captured combat animations
• Numerous improvements to the combat system: Your shield will still stop arrows even if you are not actively defending
• The ability to play multiplayer matches on random maps as well as hand-designed ones
• Multiplayer equipment system: Earn money by fighting opponents or accomplishing goals
• The ability to use most throwing weapons in close combat: Switch to using a javelin as a short spear when the enemy gets close
• Spend gold on more powerful equipment, using a carefully balanced system that will make combat more exciting without giving too much of an advantage to the leading team

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 1.8 MHz
• 512 MB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6


Скачать / Download - RapidShare #1 #2 #3 | FileFactory #1 #2 #3 | DepositFiles #1 #2 #3 - 468 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 02.07.10 | 23:54

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
FrenFolio 03.07.10 | 00:08:18

Mirror (зеркало) to LetItBit

Haximob 03.07.10 | 11:51:01

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