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Plants vs. Zombies - Game of the Year Edition v1.2.0.1073 (by PopCap Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 13102
Хит от PopCap Games.
К вашему дому приближаются зомби! Что вы можете сделать, чтобы спастись? Это же очевидно - насажать побольше
разнообразных генномодифицированных растений, которые способны убивать зомби самыми разными способами...
Покажите этим мертвецам, на что способна матушка природа!

Get ready to soil your plants! Again! PopCap's fun-dead game of the year is updated and expanded with 20 new achievements and the interactive Zombatar™.
Make your very own zombie, then watch it come to "life" in your game! Stop 26 types of zombies dead in their tracks with your arsenal of 49 zombie-zapping plants!
Battle through 50 Adventure levels, 20 Mini-Games, plus Puzzle and Survival modes. Or dig into the zombie-free Zen Garden. The fun never dies!

• Five game modes: Adventure, Mini-Games, Puzzle, Survival and Zen Garden
• Battle zombies through day, night, fog, in a swimming pool and on the rooftop
• Earn 20 Achievements and show off your zombie-zapping skills
• Make your own fun-dead friends with the Zombatar™!

As you play through the various game modes you will unlock various achievements. Achievements can be viewed by clicking the "Achievements" button on the Main Menu. The achievements are:
• Home Lawn Security: Complete Adventure Mode.
• Nobel Peas Prize: Get the Gold Sunflower trophy.
• Better Off Dead: Get to a streak of 10 in I, Zombie Endless.
• China Shop: Get to a streak of 15 in Vasebreaker Endless.
• Spudow!: Blow up a zombie using a Potato Mine.
• Explodonator: Take out 10 full-sized zombies with a single Cherry Bomb.
• Morticulturalist: Collect all 49 plants (including plants from Crazy Dave's shop).
• Don't Pea in the Pool: Complete a daytime Pool level without using pea shooters of any kind.
• Roll Some Heads: Bowl over 5 zombies with a single Wall-Nut.
• Grounded: Defeat a normal Roof level without using any catapult plants.
• Zombologist: Discover the Yeti zombie.
• Penny Pincher: Pick up 30 coins in a row on a single level without letting any disappear.
• Sunny Days: Get 8000 sun during a single level.
• Popcorn Party: Defeat 2 Gargantuars with Corn Cob missiles in a single level.
• Good Morning: Complete a daytime level by planting only mushrooms and Coffee Beans.
• No Fungus Among Us: Complete a nighttime level without planting any mushrooms.
• Beyond the Grave: Beat all 20 mini-games.
• Immortal: Survive 20 waves of pure zombie ferocity.
• Towering Wisdom: Grow the Tree of Wisdom to 100 feet.
• Mustache Mode: Enable Mustache Mode.

Zombatar Maker:
The Zombatar maker allows you to create your own custom zombie. Use the Zombatar maker to customize your zombie's skin, hair, facial hair, tidbits, eyewear, clothes, acessories, hats and backdrops. You can output the result as an image file to your desktop, and your custom zombie will appear in place of the regular Flag zombies during the game. Access the Zombatar maker by clicking the "Zombatar" button on the Main Menu.

• Bug fixes and new features.

System requirements:
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista
• DirectX 8
• 1.2 GHz
• 512 MB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3


Скачать / Download - MegaUpload | FileFactory | DepositFiles - 41.1 MB
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Раздел: Игры | 02.08.10 | 23:59

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
FrenFolio 03.08.10 | 01:39:23

Mirror (зеркало) to TurboBit

Giorgi 03.08.10 | 01:54:35

спасибо idea biggrin biggrin biggrin
Haximob 03.08.10 | 12:17:06

hobis 03.08.10 | 18:35:56

za megaupload za4et
FAQer 03.08.10 | 19:23:11

а кто-н-ть ещё увидел отличия от прошлой версии кроме зомбатара, и того, что майкла джексона убрали?
Liandri 03.08.10 | 19:39:22

Достижения и багфиксы, которые они не удосужились расписать.
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