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Delve Deeper v1.2 (by Lunar Giant Studios)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 2044
Пошаговая стратегия, в который мы управляем отрядами гномов-диггеров, добывающих золото и сражающихся с другими командами в подземельях. Шахты также до отказа набиты различными монстрами, среди которых можно встретить как вполне безобидных гоблинов, так и драконов, с которыми лучше вообще не встречаться.
Однако, когда речь идет о сокровищах, то в мозгах у дварфов выпрямляются все извилины, кроме отвечающих за жадность. Поэтому плачьте, гоблины и драконы, вам недолго осталось! Но даже если монстрам удастся сожрать пятерку отважных, на смену им придут новые герои, ибо героев много, а сокровищ мало.


Take command of five Dwarf adventurers as they dive into long-abandoned mines to search for incredible wealth, lost treasures, dangerous monsters and bragging rights at the drinking hall. Be wary though, up to four teams set forth at once, and your greatest obstacle may be a fellow Dwarf with a different colored hat!
Delve Deeper is a Adventure/Strategy game which pits you against monsters as you and up to three rival teams build an ever-changing dungeon map and compete to pilfer its loot as quickly as possible.

• Endlessly re-playable, fast and furious dungeon adventure meets devious tile-placement puzzler to generate a unique experience each time.
• Up to four players per map, each with a fully customized team of Dwarfs, commanded by your best friends or your hated nemesis, the Rival Dwarf AI.
• Gorgeous 2D pixel art graphics, fully animated characters, critters and combat.
• Quirky humor, with 100 uniquely named Relics to collect, dozens of themed rival dwarf teams, and the ever-present King of Dwarfs commending your success, lambasting your failure, and awarding you with snarky titles at the end of each match.

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• .NET v3.5
• 1.2 GHz
• 512 MB RAM

- Delve Deeper should now run on the Intel GMA onboard family of GPUs
- Added speed setting 6 (for instant movement), and retimed all faster and slower modes animations.
- Added 11 new relics for your enjoyment! They're super awesome!
- Added a Discard button to the first phase of Tile Selection so you can skip the Tile Drop phase much faster
- The tutorial is now completable with a controller.
- Added a monster spawn cap to the gameplay options menu, allows for control over how many monsters can spawn (max) on a turn.
- Formerly unachievable achievements now achievable
- - Opportunist (only unlocks if you win without turning in any gold, gems, or mithril
- - Slime's Sappin Mah Sentry
- - Blacksmith
- - Brewmaster
- - Ties for 0 points count as wins for the purpose of achievements
- Added an option to Start In Fullscreen
- Fixed the relic sale bug which was causing the sales display to disappear prematurely.
- Added W,A,S,D support for moving the camera
- Added BACKSPACE support for ending your turn
- Set Tile Rotation and Tile Select Next/Prev to Q and E, for easy use with new mapping
- Added support for hot selecting dwarves on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Updated the controls screen to reflect the aforementioned changes and inform people the FULLSCREEN IS ALSO ON F12 :)
- The game must now be in focus to register mouse clicks
- Mimics now glow!
- Mimics (also) now do not display warning axes if they are the only monster present on a hex!
- The camera will not focus on non-combat-moving mobs on speeds 1 – 6, and will not focus on mobs until combat begins on speed 6
- Fixed a bug with mispricing of oogler sales of negative value
- Fixed hexes on maps that were 'unreachable' or 'imbalanced due to their 'reachability''

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9


Скачать / Download - MegaUpload | FileFactory | DepositFiles - 24.2 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 06.11.10 | 17:18

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
FrenFolio 06.11.10 | 17:42:15

Mirror (зеркало) to LetItBit

Haximob 06.11.10 | 17:48:11

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