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Eufloria v2.06 (by Rudolf Kremers & Alex May) Eng/Ger/Fr/Spa/It/Du/Por/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 2145
Удивительная и вдохновляющая стратегическая игра (прежнее название - Dyson). Начиная игру в роли маленького причудливого деревевца, питающегося энергией астероида, вы должны разрастаться всё дальше, плодя своих потомков и выпуская крохотные семена. По умолчанию эти семена летают вокруг вашего астероида и ничего не предпринимают, но ловким движением мыши с зажатой левой или правой кнопкой, вы можете посылать их на исследование окружающих астероидов, захватить которые не так просто как кажется.

Eufloria is beautifully styled, incredibly addictive game of space exploration and conquest that avoids all genre clichés and employs surprising themes of plant growth and bio-mechanical evolution. It has been developed by two-man indie team Rudolf Kremers (Design) & Alex May (programming), with terrific music and audio by Brian Grainger (Milieu).
The game allows the player to explore a beautifully realized universe rendered in a style that is both unique and compelling. Eufloria's aesthetics are reminiscent of children's books like "The Little Prince" and is supported by an original ambient soundtrack by Brian Grainger.
Gameplay revolves around conquering asteroids in space and using their resources to literally grow and nurture new semi-organic plants and creatures to do the player's bidding.
The player is pitted against several teams of AI opponents that all vie for the same resources and can offer fierce opposition. The game offers casual style controls and ease of play, but allows for very deep strategic gameplay, married to artistic but user-friendly graphics. This makes the game easy to learn, hard to master, and addictive and approachable to most types of game players. Most of the content in the game is procedurally generated, and each play session is therefore unique.

Game features:
• A single player campaign boasting 25 diverse levels
• A skirmish mode with 8 highly replayable additional levels
• An unlockable 3rd mode with new graphics, and tougher AI
• Procedural content that makes each play session unique
• A unique soundtrack of over 2 hours of music created by Brian Grainger, AKA Milieu
• Intuitive and almost completely mouse-based interface
• Integrated LUA Scripting allowing for enormous modding potential, to allow for additional user generated content

- Updated the gameplay to be faster-paced and more interesting, with more strategic balance.
- Updated the levels to improve the overall experience.
- Updated the game’s AI to think more carefully about where it sends laser mines and flowers.
- Fixed laser mine crash.
- Fixed custom level directory crash.
- Fixed enemy AI sending flowers and mines by breaking the travelling rules.
- Fixed some non-Steam owners being unable to achieve achievements.
- Fixed defense trees to correctly use spawn time values.
- More sound effects comply with volume levels now.
- Fixed entities being attacked by inactive entities.
- Fixed UI falsely reporting flowers/mines being sent when they weren’t.
- Fixed console stealing input.
- Changed colour of directories in custom level menu.
- Finally added a caret in the console and other text entry situations.
- Added a different camera zoom style (available in options menu).
- Flowers, mines, seedlings go red when they are harmed.
- Added Asteroid.GetTreeByIndex.
- Added some new tweakable variables – enhanced seedlings, tree thickness, etc.

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista
• DirectX 9
• 1 GHz
• 512 MB RAM

Resolution: Custom Fullscreen/Desktop/Windowed

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13


Скачать / Download - MegaUpload | FileFactory | DepositFiles - 104 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net
Patch v2.06 - 854 KB

Eufloria Official Soundtrack

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Раздел: Игры | 04.12.10 | 05:15

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
aivoccoSpam 04.12.10 | 07:31:46


Patch v2.06 - 854 KB
Haximob 04.12.10 | 12:14:08

Bethesda 04.12.10 | 13:00:31


FrenFolio 05.12.10 | 09:35:52

Mirror (зеркало) to LetItBit

MaKCuMyC 09.12.10 | 23:24:31

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