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Terraria v1.2.1.2 (by Re-Logic) Eng/Deu/Fra/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 40263
Terraria - практически клон и младший брат единственной и неповторимой Minecraft. В 2D.
Здесь можно заниматься чем угодно - производить оружие и рваться в бой, заниматься раскопками ради ценных вещиц, строить, добывать, а также всё остальное, чего вам не хватает в реальном мире.
Аркадное приключение в процедурно-сгенерированном мире... с вашими друзьями в режиме мультиплеера! Вы с трудом сможете найти что-либо более увлекательное.

Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. Grab your tools and go! Make weapons to fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes. Dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things. Gather resources to create everything you need to make the world your own. Build a house, a fort, or even a castle. People will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey.
But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?

• Sandbox Play
• Randomly generated worlds
• Free Content Updates


System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 1.6 GHz
• 512 MB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14

v1.1 screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10


Скачать / Download - SendFile | BitShare | FreakShare | SockShare - 30.7 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 03.11.13 | 23:33

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Liandri 16.05.11 | 23:02:08

DirectX 9c: http://www.microsoft.com/do...
.NET v4.0: http://www.microsoft.com/do...
XNA v4.0: http://www.microsoft.com/do...
Myk 19.05.11 | 22:15:55

Thank You smile
Liandri 23.05.11 | 22:50:15

Updated to v1.0.2.
Liandri 02.06.11 | 21:31:25

Updated to v1.0.3.
Rus68 09.06.11 | 12:55:02

10 июня ожидается обновление 1.0.4 biggrin
Новый босс, мобы, и новые предметы. Доп.ячейки для костюмов, изменяющих только внешний вид перса. Кобальтовый доспех вернется в качестве Стеклянной брони более высокого уровня с новой функциональностью!
Liandri 10.06.11 | 22:02:30

Updated to v1.0.4.
angel63 10.06.11 | 22:19:37

У меня почему то не запускается.Подскажите пожалуйста.правда у меня стоит XP x63
Liandri 10.06.11 | 22:30:35

См. первый коммент.
396781 10.06.11 | 22:50:18

Как обновить до 1.0.4??
Rus68 11.06.11 | 00:34:40

Да элементарно twisted старую удаляешь, новую ставишь. Все твои персы-миры живут в папке ...\Documents\My Games\Terraria
none 14.06.11 | 11:19:12

Знатная пожиралка времени. Ничуть не хуже diablo великого и ужастного.
Спасибо ! biggrin
Liandri 24.06.11 | 01:11:59

Updated to v1.0.5.
none 24.06.11 | 11:02:06

Ура ура smile Время обновлять сервер smile Спасибо!
none 24.06.11 | 11:29:24

ps Ну и вообще весьма опертивненько idea
Liandri 09.08.11 | 21:26:55

Updated to v1.0.6.
none 10.08.11 | 11:02:22

Ура ура smile Спасибо ! smile
7Minecraft7 16.08.11 | 23:18:53

wink wink wink
как мне ЗАЛИТЬ игру на 2бакса wink wink
Liandri 16.08.11 | 23:38:37

Это могут только авторы новостей.
Liandri 17.08.11 | 22:23:49

Updated to v1.0.6.1.
none 18.08.11 | 11:05:27

Спасибо !
mora1sen 19.08.11 | 07:39:36

a great game!
Liandri 01.12.11 | 23:17:03

Updated to v1.1.
Ker Laeda 02.12.11 | 04:45:33

Liandri спасибо!

Скажите, а сюда входит этот фикс?
Liandri 02.12.11 | 11:52:19

Updated to v1.1r11.

Ker Laeda
Теперь да.
Ker Laeda 02.12.11 | 13:36:17

Ещё раз Спасибо! ;)
Liandri 15.12.11 | 23:11:56

Updated to v1.1.1.
stoled 15.12.11 | 23:30:30

Liandri 30.12.11 | 23:24:53

Updated to v1.1.1r13.
Liandri 18.01.12 | 02:30:29

Updated to v1.1.2.
Pravda 18.01.12 | 17:45:25

Касперский сообщает:Trojan.Win32.Chifrax.a detected. И не стыдно вам? Сколько можно вирусы распространять? evil
FrenFolio 18.01.12 | 17:58:18

Mirror (зеркало) to TurboBit

Liandri 01.10.13 | 12:11:29

Updated to v1.2.
WaffeSS 01.10.13 | 18:14:04

biggrin Thanks for another quality release THETA biggrin
gamerz 01.10.13 | 18:55:18

biggrin Very good! Team Theta note is 1.000! Thanks surprised
Liandri 02.10.13 | 14:12:00

Updated to v1.2.0.1.
dle333 05.10.13 | 11:56:12 please!
Liandri 06.10.13 | 19:05:05

Updated to v1.2.0.2.
dle333 06.10.13 | 20:52:17

awesome! thank you! biggrin
dle333 10.10.13 | 18:24:16 please! redface
Liandri 17.10.13 | 12:05:30

Updated to v1.
fatalerror1 17.10.13 | 16:05:00

Liandri: will you release some other games as well?
I havent seen any release for exapmle on:
-BIT.TRIP Runner 2: Future Legend Of Rhythm Aline (updated with DLC)
-Fist Puncher v1.1
-Steel Storm updated with Forgotten Prison DLC
-Bad Hotel
Liandri 18.10.13 | 13:49:15

As much as I would like to answer, I can't say anything specific about future plans.
You can guess there are many games released and surely we can see that. What I must say is, if some games gets a release by any other group, this fact is not important to our possible plans about releasing that game by ourselves.
fatalerror1 18.10.13 | 21:21:39

yeah i understand that , i just meantioned some of those i am looking for at the time.

i am just glad that you are releasing stuff again and i hope for releases/updates other than Terraria updates surprised

keep up the good work
Liandri 25.10.13 | 22:26:17

Updated to v1.2.1.
sin4nothing 26.10.13 | 00:04:06

So is your future plans to ONLY update Terraria?!?
WaffeSS 26.10.13 | 19:32:49

THETA need Release more Games biggrin biggrin

If possible, Release this Game Capitalism LAB = http://www.capitalismlab.com/ rolleyes surprised

Only two versions RLS at moment

Newer version but, outdated - New Patch already released
Release: Enlight Software Capitalism Lab Post Release v2 2 0 8 BETA GAME RETAIL-Lz0
Problem: Bugged on Custom Game 31/JAN and outdated version

Very old version - Alpha stage
Release: Capitalism Lab-COGENT
Problem: Lag bug ( bug of official version ) and outdated version
Liandri 26.10.13 | 21:35:04

Updated to v1.2.1.1.

No, but I won't be asking anyone to wait for something. Sorry if it looks dumb.
sin4nothing 28.10.13 | 02:57:44

Liandri, Sorry for sounding rude before, but I guess I just miss the "old" days of THETA releases.
Liandri 03.11.13 | 23:34:28

Updated to v1.2.1.2.
dle333 04.11.13 | 11:59:11

thanks! keep up the good work! idea
kookyky 04.11.13 | 19:40:25

After installation I clicked on it but nothing happened.
Anyone knows how to make it runs please?

stoled 12.11.13 | 04:48:08

Comeback theta, we all miss you.
Bang2Rights 16.12.13 | 00:29:00

there are more than enough scene stuff that don't work, i never had a problem with any THETA releases and i loved all the updates and installers, well i for one loved THETA as much as the scene but you could always rely on a THETA rip !!! anyway merry Christmas Liandri biggrin thats what it was like visiting this page to get the latest rel.
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