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Tiffen Dfx v3.0 plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop
Новость от: Sanchezzz
Просмотров: 3938
Tiffen Dfx - превосходный продукт для фотографа, в качестве плагина в Adobe Photoshop & Elements состоящий из более чем 2000 разнообразных фильтров, спецэффектов, присетов, гелей, включая моделирование многих популярных стеклянных фильтров реалистично моделирующий действие фильтров по цвету и плотности, объемности изображения, характерной для диффузионных фильтров. Плагин позволяет перебирать фильтры, перемещать градиентные фильтры, моделировать различные оптические эффекты, корректировать баланс белого и черного, изменять цветовой баланс, имитировать различные эффекты, которые в аналоговой фотографии достигались с помощью особой оптики: "стеклышо", пленка, отблеск и мн.др.

Based on the success of its original award-winning Dfx Digital Filter software, Tiffen now introduces Dfx v2 that now features multiple masking and layering capabilities with its Photoshop and Aperture plug-ins and a host of other features including more than 2000 standard, exclusive and special effect filters. Creative control no one else can even come close to, and there's more!

New Filters

Ambient Light
Ambient creates light without a defined source and contributes to the overall brightness of a scene without casting shadows.

Close-Up Lens

Simulates close-up lenses that allow you to zoom in extra close using high quality digital filtering.

Dots are circular lighting control devices used to create shadow areas on a motion picture or photographic set. This concept has been extended to a digital flag so that areas of the image can be selectively darkened.

Eye Light
Creates a targeted light to be placed around a person's eyes.

Flags are rectangular lighting control devices used to create shadow areas on a motion picture or photographic set. This concept has been extended to a digital flag so that areas of the image can be selectively darkened.

Gobo is similar to the Light filter except it uses Rosco gels and gobo patterns. The Rosco range presently includes over 1300 standard gobo designs in the following categories: Breakups, Foliage Breakups, Trees & Flowers, Abstract, Graphics, Graphics & Grills, Rotation, Symbols & Signs, World Around Us, Churches & Heraldics, Windows, Doors & Blinds, Boundaries & Wildlife, Clouds & Sky, Water & Sky, Fire & Ice, Architectural & Retail, Occasions & Holidays and Text.

HFX® Star
Exciting and dazzling star effects are generated from original point or reflected light sources with the added glitter and sparkle of these exclusive, natural looking asymmetrical designs and shapes. Great for water scenes, candle flames, street lights and more.

Reduces excessive blue by absorbing UV light and eliminates haze which tends to wash out color and image clarity.

High Contrast
Creates an extreme high contrast image.

Ice Halos
Ice halos are created when small ice crystals in the atmosphere generate halos by reflecting and refracting light. Most notably, circles form around the sun or moon as well as rare occurrences when the entire sky is painted with a web of arcing halos.

Recreates arced rainbows of spectral colors, usually identified as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, that appear in the sky as a result of the refractive dispersion of sunlight in drops of rain or mist.

Creates a warm brown tone for that nostalgic feeling.

Reduces UV light, haze and is pink tinted for added warmth and better colors. It is especially useful for images shot in outdoor open shade and on overcast days.

Soft Contrast
Soft Contrast diminishes highlights while retaining the darker look of the shadows.

Soft Light
Provides soft, digitally diffused and virtually shadowless light.

Warm Center Spot
Combines the benefits of Center Spot with a warming filter making it ideal for portraits and skintones.

Warm Polarizer
Combines the benefits of the Polarizer with a warming filter making it ideal for portraits and scenics.

Water Droplets
Simulates the circular, rainbow colored optical effects produced by tiny water droplets in clouds, mist and fog.

Wide Angle Lens
Simulates the effect of a wide angle lens.

812® Warming
The 812® Warming filter, a Tiffen exclusive, improves skintones and is ideal for portraits taken on a cloudy day or in outdoor shade on a sunny day.

Homepage: http://www.tiffen.com
Размер: 106 MB

Tiffen Dfx v3.0 + crack-vvk20062

Скачать/Download Megaupload.com

Зеркало/Mirror - Letitbit.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Turbobit.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Vip-file.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Photoshop | 08.09.11 | 13:08

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Ofenya 08.09.11 | 14:05:32

Orbeat 08.09.11 | 17:29:00

unclemike 08.09.11 | 21:33:03

A cracked exe for the plug-in version?
I remember that there was a cracked *.8bf file enclosed the previous version 2.
Any changes or is it the standalone version?
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