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Hydra JPG Degrader 1.1
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 2212
Hydra JPG Degrader это плагин для Photoshop, который добавляет к изображению сжатому в JPG, шумы и хроматические аберрации. Этот плагин помогает значительно ускорить процесс композитинга рендеринга CG в существующем JPG формате. Обычно CG визуализации выглядят слишком острыми и не реальными, что связано с ухудшением качества JPG. С рендерингом CG будут соответствовать реальному отображению.

Hydra JPG Degrader is a photoshop plugin that adds JPG compression, noise and chromatic aberration to an image. This plugin helps dramatically speed up the process of compositing a CG rendering into an existing jpg background. Typically CG renderings look too sharp and clean compared to a jpg background, you need to subtly degrade the CG rendering to match the look of the background you are compositing it into. Currently the only way to do this is to save off part of a layer with strong jpg compression and then reimport that layer and mask off the areas outside of the CG rendering layer. This is a tedious process and the best you can do is guess at what level of jpg compression you need to match the background. Hydra JPG Degrader lets you see the new layer composited on top of your other layers as you see in realtime the amount of compression you are adding to get a flawless transition. In addition to jpg compression this plugin also lets you ad noise and chromatic aberration, which is the subtle hue shifting that can occur when you are taking a photograph.

On the technical side of the plugin there are also 2 fine tuning sliders for horizontal and vertical phase. Jpg compression in an image is created on a grid layout. By adjusting the horizontal and vertical phase of your new layer you can subtly shift this grid around to match the grid used in the background you are trying to match. This plugin also utilizes a new Adobe SDK feature for plugins that allows better handling of layers. With this plugin you are now able to see your target layer composed on top of all other visible layers of your document. This is extremely useful when you are trying to match the jpg compression of your target layer to an existing composition of layers.

Hydra JPG Degrader is compatible with the following versions of Photoshop.
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and above 32 + 64 bit CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.1, CS6, and CC

Homepage: www.hydra101.com
Size: 5.94 MB

Hydra JPG Degrader 1.1 + crack VVK

Страница загрузки/Download - SendFile

Зеркало/Mirror - LetitBit

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploaded

Зеркало/Mirror - Vip-File

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Photoshop | 05.02.14 | 11:33

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