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533Soft Products AIO ForoTK TeaM by escroto
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Пакет разнообразного софта. От редактирования картинок и иконок, до записи MP3 файлов.


Set some different appz, for example, for edit images, icons and record MP3 files

Full image:


Box Shot Maker 1.91c
is a virtual 3D box design tool. It changes your pictures, logos, artworks into a 3D box and allows you design or draw the box face easily.

The software comes with image editor with which you can easily add your own text and graphic to create the perfect 3D box for your product.

During the design phase, you can change camera position at any angle, rotate the image around any 3D axis, add special effects such as shadow, reflection, floor texture and more. All of these can be done in real time and full 3D environment!

Give your products the professional look with Box Shot Maker.

With Box Shot Maker you can create:

2-side, 3-side Box Shot, Book, Cover, 3D screen-shot.

Standard Features:

- The ability to edit the image
- Resize the 3D image.
- Create 3D box, 3D cover, 3D book.
- Any angle rotation.
- Image zoom in / out.
- Rotate the image or camera around any 3D axis.
- Special effects such as shadow, reflection, floor texture.
- Full 3D environment.
- Add your own text, graphics to Image.

Exe Wrapper 2.5c
allows you to protect any Exe-file with its own password from non-authorized execution. And it can modify the main icon of the .exe file.
If you mean to keep people out of your personal stuff, add or modify the icon of executable file, add fixed argument to the execution, then Exe Wrapper is your right selection.
Password is stored directly in the Exe-file. It is extremely easy to add any password to a program. An attempt to run a program that's wrapped will result in a dialog box launching asking for password. Failure to provide the correct password prevents the program from fully launching. Password is protected with high strength encryption algorithm. So do not forget your password.
Exe Wrapper can change the main icon of executable file. Even if you move the file to another computer, the new icon will be displayed anyway. If you add an blank password and change the main icon, then no password dialog box will launch. So you can change the icon of Exe-file with this software.
Exe Wrapper can also bind special argument to an Exe-file. For example if you want a notepad open c:\files.txt on every execution, you can add argument " c:\file.txt " when wrapping the notepad.exe.
If you don't want to go on wrapping the exe-file, you can unwrap the exe file to original exe-file with this software.

Icon Changer 1.80
can change the icon embedded in a executable or icon file. This program supports all files with the extensions .exe, .dll, .cpl, .ocx, scr, .ico. You can change the icon of these files easily and quickly.
If you move the file to another computer, the new icon will be displayed anyway. The drawback is that the content of the file is modified. It results in the checksum being modified and the executable file may fail to work. Before changing the icon of a file, the Icon Changer creates a backup for that file. After changing the icon, you can run the exe file for a testing. If program can not run, you can click Undo to restore the backup file.
The executable file size doesn't change. The size of the new icon should be either equal or smaller than the previous one. This software supports compressed exe file.

Mp3 Recorder 1.80
records any audio source from your computer to MP3 or WAV audio directly. Recording source is from sound card that means any sound through your sound card would be recorded. When the Mp3 Recorder recording, the saved MP3/WAV file's size is calculated and showed at real time. Mp3 Recorder records your computer's audio streaming into MP3 file directly without temporary WAV files generated. Many useful features include channels, sample rate, bit rate, voice control system, and more ...

System requirements

* Microsoft Windows 95/98, NT, 2000, XP, Win2003 or above.
* Hardware: Sound Card

Key features

* Any sound through your sound card can be recorded.
* Without wav file generated while recording.
* Saved file format can be MP3 or WAV.
* Allow selecting channels, sample rate, bit rate.
* Audio wav, file size, recording time will be shown at real time.

11.9 MB


Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

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Кликаем по ссылке, далее еще раз внизу страницы на кнопу "Free", ждем 20-40 секунд до появления картинки с символами.
Вводим эти символы в поле и кликаем "Start Download".

Thx to yashar and friends!

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Раздел: Наборы AIO | 10.09.06 | 02:32

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
REDEN 10.09.06 | 10:05:43

глянув на Full image не сразу понял в чем дело.подход творческий! redface exclaim
slam 10.09.06 | 13:02:46

REDEN, хехе, ну уж такие пакеры cool
pierpons 10.09.06 | 14:36:12

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