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Imagenomic Portraiture 2.3.4 build 2340 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 3579

Компания Imagenomic выпустила новую версию плагина Portraiture для Adobe Photoshop. Плагин позволяет избирательно устранять недостатки кожи, сохраняя текстуру и другие важные детали портрета, такие как волосы, брови, ресницы и т.д., чем существенно ускоряет трудоемкий процесс попиксельного ретуширования. Автоматически распознает поверхность кожи, формируя автомаску, которую можно корректировать в ручном режиме. Плагин Portraiture предназначен для Adobe Photoshop / Elements. В эту версию, как заявляет производитель, добавлена поддержка Adobe Photoshop CS5.


Imagenomic Portraiture is a Adobe Photoshop CS4/CS5/CS6/CC/CC 2014 or Elements 8/9/10/11/12 that eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by- pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. It intelligently smoothens and removes imperfections while preserving skin texture and other important portrait details such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc.

Portraiture 2 is built on the core technology and feature set of the original Portraiture Plugin, and will take your skin retouching workflow to the next level of performance, quality of results and overall ease of use. Dare we say, our Portraiture Plug-in will continue to transform the industry by enabling virtually all skill levels to achieve excellence in skin retouching across the spectrum of image subjects and production challenges, including portrait, full body, group shots, advertising, fashion, beauty, medical, and motion imagery, and without the familiar constraints or learning curves associated with other software products, plug-ins or digital retouching techniques.

Bring out the Best in Your Portraits
The best skin retouching tool just got better! Imagenomic has taken the highly acclaimed, award winning Portraiture Plug-in to the next level for fast, accurate, natural-looking skin retouching in Photoshop, and now Aperture, and in Lightroom via automation droplets.

Portraiture 2 not only looks different, it features plenty of improvements under the surface as well:
• Multiprocessor support for maximum retouching speed and workflow performance
• Enhanced skin masking control that isolates adjustments to just the skin mask, in addition to global adjustments.
• Preset power and the flexibility to create, capture and share custom settings with the new Preset Manager
• New Preference Settings, including customizable latitude adjustments for mask defaults, and User Interface skins and image display preferences
• Auto-updating feature so you always have the latest updates from Imagenomic

Compatible :
Adobe Photoshop CS4/CS5/CS6/CC/CC 2014 or Elements 8/9/10/11/12

Возможности программы:
» Обработка изображений любых форматов
» Интегрированная поддержка ICC
» Поддержка RGB, LAB, CMYK и Multichannel
» Поддержка использования особых пресетов
» Несколько режимов предпросмотра результата

Размер | Size: 4.07 MB
ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8.1
Официальный сайт | Home Page: www.noiseware.com
Интерфейс | Interface: English

Imagenomic Portraiture 2.3.4 build 2340 + serial

Страница загрузки/Download - SendFile.su

Зеркало/Mirror - LetitBit.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploaded.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Vip-File.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Photoshop | 22.08.14 | 09:37

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