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Dinner Date v1.2.0 (by Stout Games) Eng/Ita/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Игра предлагает вам погрузиться в подсознание молодого человека по имени Джулиан Люксембург (Julian Luxemburg), сидящего за столом за ужином в ожидании девушки. Сам Джулиан вам не подвластен - вы можете только обращать его внимание на окружающие предметы и наблюдать.
У этой истории одно начало и один конец - но за этот короткий промежуток времени Джулиан успеет открыть вам весь свой внутренний мир, со всеми переживаниями, сомнениями и надеждами. Стоило ли назначать это свидание? Состоится ли оно вообще? Дождётся ли Джулиан той девушки, которая решит все его проблемы?

You play as the subconsciousness of Julian Luxemburg, waiting for his date to arrive. You listen in on his thoughts while tapping the table, looking at the clock and eventually reluctantly starting to eat...
„Dinner Date” is the portrait of Julian: from his desires and doubts to reflections on his friends and his place in the world. You are not merely witnessing - by interacting with Julian and his world you gain a clear vantage point on his life.
The wait for the beautiful girl he invited over becomes longer and she becomes the dominant factor in his thoughts. And yet his true problems may not even begin with the girl: what of his work, of his boss, the headhunter, his fascination of Byron and his friendship with Jerry, who had been pushing Julian to take on this date?
In „Dinner Date” you will experience all this: with some drinks, some bread, some soup - and with a clock that slowly mocks the constant wait for when she comes, this elusive girl who will solve everything.

Раздел: Игры | 22.06.11 | 16:20
Star Ruler v1.0.7.8 (by Blind Mind Studios) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Pol/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Целая галактика на кончиках ваших пальцев! Новая космическая стратегия со случайно-генерируемыми галактиками, обширными возможностями, зрелищными баталиями и уникальной системой развития.


Ever wanted to rule the galaxy? Now's your chance!
Take command of a vast interstellar empire and safeguard your species from total extinction. Prove your species' ingenuity through a deep and intricate combat system where anything (from individual components on ships to the stars themselves) is a target of opportunity.
Utilize your silver tongue to twist other Empires into submitting under your galaxy-class wit with a complex and full-featured diplomacy system or wheel-and-deal your way to supremacy.
Research deadly new weapons, new engines, shields, and more with a research web whose contents are shuffled with every game.
Explore vast interstellar phenomenae such as black holes and asteroid belts and exploit them for yourself or destroy them to deny your foes.
Match your wits with up to 10 online or LAN-linked opponents, save the game when dawn breaks, and boot it back up at dusk. It isn't over until you say it is!
Mod the game to suit your playstyle! Your weapons, your ships, your rules. Almost the entire game can be modified entirely through an editor as simple as notepad. Easily add new models and particle effects to the game with a robust set of out-of-the-box developer tools.
Раздел: Игры | 22.06.11 | 16:12
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 v1.0 (by Stainless Games) Special Edition Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Новая итерация компьютерной игры во вселенной Magic: The Gathering. 10 уникальных колод, новые режимы игры,
обновлённое оформление, а также новая кампания. Теперь в одной игре могут принимать участие до 4 игроков в любых комбинациях.

All-new and redesigned, Magic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 takes last year’s massive hit game to even greater heights with better graphics, more options, and new challenges! Face off against the AI, or gather your allies for the new multiplayer format: Archenemy, where you team up to take down a boss opponent. And if one of your fellow Planeswalkers drops out, no problem–the AI will drop in for uninterrupted action!
Featuring ten unique decks, Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 also lets you customize those decks. As you progress in the game, you can enhance your deck by swapping in new, unlockable cards! Gather your allies. A challenge awaits.

Раздел: Игры | 19.06.11 | 02:00
Beat Hazard Ultra v1.35s (by Cold Beam Games) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa + iTunes & m4a file support
Новость от: Liandri
Суть геймплея похожа на игровой процесс в Audiosurf. Но здесь выбранный игроком трек служит основой для межзвездных баталий в духе старинных клонов Asteroids. Кораблик летает по экрану, отстреливаясь от наседающих со всех сторон врагов, причем мощь его оружия во многом зависит от музыки – чем она интенсивнее, тем ярче и красивее расправа над противниками.

Welcome to a new experience in gameplay mechanics: Beat Hazard. Gameplay Powered by YOUR Music!
Experience your music collection like never before with this intense music driven arcade shooter. Each of your songs will have its own unique ebb and flow based on the music. Power up your spaceship and watch as the music boosts your firepower. Unleash hell on the enemy ships when you max out with weapon pickups! Beat Hazard seamlessly mixes the love of gaming and music. Together they become greater than the sum of their parts.
Beat Hazard Ultra DLC adds awesome new features to Beat Hazard, taking the game to the next level. More games mode, enemies and bosses. Play online Head to Head or Co-op. Unlock and upgrade perks and customize your set-up to suit your play style.

Раздел: Игры | 17.06.11 | 03:23
Alice: Madness Returns v1.0 (by Spicy Horse) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa/Jap
Новость от: Liandri
Одиннадцать лет назад ужасный пожар навсегда разлучил Алису с родителями и оставил глубокие незаживающие следы в хрупком сознании девочки. Алису поместили в лечебницу для умалишенных Рутледж, где она научилась убегать от демонов, поселившихся в ее сознании, все дальше и дальше в выдуманную страну, Страну чудес. Даже теперь, спустя десять лет, когда она наконец оказалась на свободе, ее разум так и не оправился от последствий тяжелой психологической травмы.
Искалеченное сознание не может понять, почему странные видения, сны и воспоминания вызывают такой ужас. Поэтому она вновь пытается спастись от них в Стране чудес. Она всегда так делала. В путешествии по выдуманному миру она ищет того, чего была лишена в "настоящем": чувства защищенности, понимания и осознания случившегося. Но за время ее отсутствия Страна чудес изменилась: ужасное зло поселилось в некогда безмятежном мире. Сможет ли Алиса спасти Страну чудес - и себя саму - от безумия, поглотившего все вокруг?

Alice: Madness Returns delves deep into the dark and violent side of the imagination, creating a nightmarish Wonderland where Alice must face the demons that haunt her visions. Visit the grim reality of Victorian London and then travel to the beautiful yet ghastly Wonderland to uncover the root of Alice’s madness and discover the truth behind a deadly secret, kept hidden for years.
Eleven years ago a horrific fire took Alice’s family from her and left her mind horrifically scarred. Afterwards she was confined to Rutledge Asylum, where she struggled to confront her demons by slipping further into her fantasy world of Wonderland. Now, after ten years, she has finally secured her release—yet she still bears the heavy psychological burden of that tragic event.
With her mind in tatters, she is unable to resolve the fear prompted by her strange memories, dreams, and visions. Perhaps she’ll do better in Wonderland. She always has. She travels there, seeking what the “real” world can’t provide: security, knowledge, and the truth about the past. But in her absence, Wonderland too has suffered. Something has gone horribly wrong, and now a great evil is descending upon what once was her beautiful refuge. Can Alice save Wonderland—and herself—from the madness that consumes them both?

Раздел: Игры | 17.06.11 | 01:48
SolSuite Solitaire 2011 v11.6 (by TreeCardGames)
Новость от: FrenFolio
SolSuite Solitaire 2011 - самый крупный в мире сборник карточных игр, в котором есть практически все виды пасьянсов: Spider, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Busy Aces, Canfield, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Carpet, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir, Monte Carlo и др. Основные возможности: полностью настраиваемый интерфейс, причем настроить по своему вкусу можно как вид карт, так и само окно игры; отличная графика; установка собственных правил, ведение подробнейших протоколов; статистика, из которой можно узнать количество используемых в той или иной игре карточных колод, среднюю продолжительность игры, сложность, вероятность выигрыша и даже его зависимость от случая.

SolSuite Solitaire 2011 is a high-quality collection of 521 solitaire games. All of the world's best solitaires are here including Spider, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Monte Carlo, Canfield, Gaps, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Napoleon, Diplomat, La Belle Lucie, Poker Solitaire, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir; along with dozens of original solitaires that you cannot find elsewhere, such as King of Scotland, Baccarat Solitaire, and Mayflower!
Раздел: Игры | 15.06.11 | 11:11
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony v1.0r9 (by Final Form Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Неоклассический скролл-шутер с поддержкой продвинутого кооперативного геймплея (до 4 игроков). Каждый игрок может спасти команду от гибели, каждый корабль обладает уникальными способностями. Игра блещет отменной пиксельной графикой и анимацией, а также динамичным саундтреком и интенсивным геймплеем с несколькими уровнями сложности.
Действия игры разворачиваются на фоне противостояний английских и испанских колоний на Марсе 17 века...

Jamestown: Legend Of The Lost Colony is a neo-classical top-down shooter for up to 4 players, set on 17th-century British Colonial Mars. It features all the intensity, depth, and lovingly handcrafted pixels of a classic arcade shooter, with a modern twist: deeply-integrated cooperative gameplay.
Unlike most top-down shooters, which give multiple players a shared pool of lives or continues, Jamestown does something different. So long as any player survives, the team can be brought back from death. By giving every player the power to rescue their team from the jaws of destruction, Jamestown creates an exhilarating cooperative experience where everyone’s contribution truly matters. Win or lose, your team will do it together.

Раздел: Игры | 14.06.11 | 01:27
B.A.D Battle Armor Division v1.0.0 (by Crian Soft) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Аркадный симулятор боевого робота. На дворе 26-ой век, идёт первая межпланетная война между Землёй и колониями Марса.
Вы увидите этот полномасштабный конфликт со всех возможных ракурсов и пройдёте через множество боёв - в роли обычного солдата.

B.A.D is an intense and enjoyable Shoote'em up game that captures the feeling of controlling a mass-produced humanoid robot (Battle Armor)
piloted by a single soldier while keeping the realistic fast-paced action in a dramatic large scale conflict, from various Factions of Earth and Mars.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 20:00
Mythoria v1.14 (by Random Star Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Стратегическая карточная игра в стиле фэнтези. В отличии от таких серий как Spectromancer и Magic, здесь ключевой элемент для победы - контроль игрового поля. Последнее имеет всего 7 слотов, где каждое существо может атаковать только соседних монстров. В игре уникальный геймплей, поддержка мультиплеера и 75 различных карт.

Mythoria is a strategical fantasy card game for PC in which two players battle each other by summoning fantastical creatures and casting fierce spells. The game features a single-player campaign along with a quickplay mode and multiplayer capabilities including an online lobby.
The goal in Mythoria is to conquer the game board. This is achieved by summoning creatures onto the seven slots on the game board. As soon as any player controls seven creatures, he/she wins the match. Before a match can begin, however, players must have selected seven cards out of their collection to play with. These seven cards are referred to as a hand. Players may alter their hand any time between matches.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 19:30
Karate Master: Knock Down Blow v1.0.4 (by Crian Soft) Eng/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Файтинг в стиле карате с весьма широкими возможностями.
Отличается сильным уклоном к реалистичности боёв: один удар может сломать конечность, повредить внутренние органы или даже принести победу.
Улучшайте своё мастерство, выступайте на турнирах, преодолевайте разнообразные испытания, расширьте границы своих возможностей!

KARATE MASTER Knock Down Blow, is an explosive fighting game of full contact karate (kakuto Karate), which will involve you not only in fierce fights,
but also in the preparation and training needed for a Karateka to strengthen body and spirit.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 19:00
Battle vs. Chess v1.0 (by Targem Games) Eng/Cz/Fr/Ger/Hun/Ita/Pol/Spa/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Все гениальное — просто! Если соединить шахматную программу, динамичные бои и роскошно анимированные фигуры, получится нечто невероятное!
Серьезные шахматные партии для знатоков, ожесточенные сражения для поклонников виртуальных битв и разнообразные мини-игры, которые придутся по вкусу абсолютно всем!


Chess - the unrivalled champion of strategy games has been attracting players of all ages for countless centuries. Battle vs. Chess takes up the mission of adapting the time honoured classic for the 21st century, seeking to breathe new life into the boardgame without abandoning the essential concepts that have made it so timeless.
Queen from B4 to E7, checkmate. While normally the game would be finished here with little fanfare, Battle vs. Chess takes the moment of victory a step further. The queen suddenly comes to life and gracefully glides across the game board towards the King, a victorious smirk adorning her face. As she approaches the King's square her hands begin to faintly glow, then suddenly plumes of fire spring forth from her outstretched hands and engulf the King, leaving nothing more than a pile of ashes on the square formerly occupied by one of the competing rulers of the checkered kingdom. Now that's checkmate!
Battle vs Chess is based on the simple yet ingenious concept of creating a fusion between professional chess software and upbeat, combat oriented game mechanics, complete with richly animated game pieces. At the outset of a match things seem quite basic: a 3D game board pits two opponents against each other in a seemingly ordinary game of chess. The game board itself is set in one of six available environments, each with its own unique landscape and presentation features. Traditionally recognized game pieces have been given a facelift as hulking stone golems and beastly chimaeras take the place of the typical rook and knight pieces respectively.
While each game piece is animated with a number of different idle motions as it patiently awaits the coming move, the excitement doesn't begin until its path has been chosen.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 18:30
Battle Slots v1.01 (by Phantom EFX)
Новость от: Liandri
Необычный сплав дуэльной RPG типа Puzzle Quest и слот-машины. Последняя здесь используется в качестве главного элемента в боях с монстрами и недругами.
Побывайте в различных локациях мира Тэллус, очищайте его от зла, выполняйте сотни квестов, узнайте свою судьбу!


Battle Slots is a roleplaying game (RPG) with a twist. Embark on a journey of exploration into the foreign world of Tellus. Formerly a peaceful world, Tellus has been wrought by an evil plaguing the land. Every land needs a hero, and that’s where you come in. A map-driven adventure, you will travel across over 100 unique locations, battling monsters and completing nearly 200 daring quests.

Taking the place of traditional RPG dice or number generators is a customizable, magical slot machine – however there is no gambling. Battle Slots harnesses the excitement of popular Slot Machine mechanics, progressing your adventure through fantastic gameplay. Spinning the slot machine yields Magic Points, Attack Points, Experience Points, Gold, and Summons.

Magic Points and Attack Points are used to cast techniques that yield devastation upon monsters throughout the world of Tellus. Experience Points allow you to gain levels and boast higher Health, Attack, and Magic Point totals. The Gold earned can be used in the world to upgrade the Academy and the Zoo or purchase Runes, Techniques, or Slot Symbols. When the slot machine pays out a summons, the creature called for will appear and cast it’s effect. These summons may stun opponents, deliver gold, or place Wilds throughout the reels of your slot machine.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 18:00
Ancients of Ooga v1.0r2 (by Bacon Wrapped Games) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Забавный аркадный платформер, в котором древнее племя просит вас уберечь своих лидеров от исчезновения. В геймплее имеется масса интересных моментов, в т.ч. возможность управлять любым аборигеном, "глотать" и перетаскивать внутри себя практически любой предмет (или другого аборигена). Также многим из ваших подопечных станут доступны разнообразные способности, с помощью которых вам предстоит отвоевать свободу древнего народца.

From the creators of Cloning Clyde comes a new epic adventure! Eat, chant, and even puke your way through the highly comical, primeval land of Ooga! There’s never a dull moment as you meet, befriend, and finally acquire seven zany Oogani tribes. Uncover their lost ancient powers, and exploit their abilities and lead them in a revolt against the tyrannical Boolis. Classic platforming/puzzle solving with a novel eat/carry/puke inventory management component. Over fifty amazing levels, plus, narcotic slugs that make you loopy!
Ancients of Ooga is sure to take you out of this world.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 17:30
Fruit Ninja HD v1.6.1 (by Halfbrick Studios) Eng/Fr
Новость от: Liandri
Настоящие ниндзя ненавидят фрукты. Докажите сэнсэю свою готовность в любой момент избавляться от фруктов своим мечом!
В игре простой, по-настоящему затягивающий геймплей, 3 режима и масса дополнительного контента. Теперь на PC!

Swipe your finger across the screen to deliciously slash and splatter fruit like a true ninja warrior. Be careful of bombs – they are explosive to touch and will put a swift end to your juicy adventure! Fruit Ninja features Classic, Zen and the amazing new Arcade mode, along with online multiplayer for Game Center-enabled devices! It also has awesome global leaderboards and achievements to unlock. Your success will also please the wise ninja Sensei, who will accompany your journey with wise words and fun fruit facts. Fruit Ninja is the messiest and most satisfying fruit game ever!
Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 17:00
The A.Typical RPG - ECWLB Edition v1.0 (by Pyrodactyl Games)
Новость от: Liandri
A.Typical RPG представляет собой пошаговую ролевую игру, сюжет которой крутится вокруг жизни нескольких друзей, учащихся в одном ПТУ. В игре представлены каждодневные ситуации, инновационный тактический ролевой геймплей, мультяшная графика, нарисованная от руки, современная музыка в стиле ретро, нелинейный сюжет и чувство юмора.

Игра также позволяет:
- Играть в футбол
- Списывать на экзаменах
- Ухаживать за девочкой
- Устраивать стычки с хулиганами
- Спасти мир от апокалипсиса при помощи бензопил и мечей
- Узнать о жизни студентов училища


The A.Typical RPG is a quirky game that seeks to put you in the role of a college student having the weirdest week of his life as he shapes his destiny, while trying to keep a social life and decent grades. With hand drawn graphics and retro-yet-modern music players will have to play football, cheat on exams, use raw emotions to sway people’s opinions, brawl with bullies, rebel against teachers and much more!
Can our hero save the world? Can he pass the exams coming up next week? Is the world in any danger at all? Can he face the girl of his nightmares? The game plans to answer this and many other questions.Get ready for an experience that is – well, atypical.
Contains mundane yet exciting situations, tactical gameplay, hand drawn art, modern yet retro music, branching storyline and lots of awesomeness! This game makes an exam feel like an epic battle. Beat that, Call of Duty!

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 16:30
Clastle v1.0 (by Rocket Launcher Interactive)
Новость от: Liandri
2.5D-платформер, в котором ваш герой пробивается через разнообразные препятствия и ловушки, обследуя громадный замок.
В игре 10 уровней, режим гонки на время, множество головоломок и качественное оформление.

Clastle is a platform/puzzle/exploration game. Gameplay revolves around working your way through and around various confrontations (traps, dynamic level events, ect). Evasive maneuvers will be necessary to get through each level. Z-Axis movement is a spotlight in the flow of the game, you will always be running jumping and weaving your way through and around danger. Clastle's advanced lighting effects and detailed textures add a level of polish unseen in other indie titles.
Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 16:00
Cloning Clyde v1.0r6 (by Bacon Wrapped Games) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Главный герой Cloning Clyde - Клайд - единственный человек, которому удалось сбежать из лабораторий компании Dupliclone, занимающейся проведением ужасных экспериментов, связанных с клонированием. Особенностью игры является возможность главного героя перевоплощаться в различные формы (Цыпленок-Клайд, Лягушка-Клайд, Овца-Клайд и др.), в каждой из которых он приобретает уникальные способности.

Have you ever been cloned? Ever wonder what it would be like to be half chicken? Half monkey? Half frog? Well, wonder no more when you play Cloning Clyde.
As Clyde, or one of his clones, work your way through the levels of the nefarious Dupliclone, Inc. building. It houses bizarre simulated environments created specifically to accommodate their unconventional cloning experiments. Have fun utilizing the many clones running amok inside Dupliclone, as you try to free yourself…or should we say yourselves. Be careful of the traps set by the sinister corporation, and watch out for mutant clones! Get even more inventive and you can use the cloning technology to combine the Clyde clones with some of your co-inhabitants to make mutant Chicken-Clydes, Frog-Clydes, Ape-Clydes and more. Many of the mutant Clydes have special abilities that can help you to escape from the evil Dupliclone, Inc.
Cloning Clyde is a 3D side-scrolling adventure.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 15:30
Star Shipping Inc. v1.008 (by Corbomite Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Star Shipping Inc. — игра о торговле и торговых отношениях в космосе. Вы покупаете, перевозите и продаёте товары в разных частях галактики, нередко сталкиваясь с космическими пиратами.


In Star Shipping Inc. you take the role of the captain of of a cargo ship traveling between star systems to trade goods and commodities in strive to become the richest star ship captain in the galaxy.
In Star shipping Inc. you take the role of the captain of of a cargo ship traveling between star systems to trade goods and commodities in strive to become the richest star ship captain in the galaxy.
Travel to new and exciting planets, encounter multiple type of enemies like space pirates, monsters and others, fly solo or protect your cargo by hiring defense drones. Receive groundbreaking and exciting news at the end of each turn that dramatically effect the next turn’s outcome. A dozen of random events that can occur during travel will make you think twice before take chances and increases the fun experience with a high replay value.
Star Shipping Inc. features high resolution beautiful space backdrops, planets, aliens, nebulae, space ships, items, and characters. The game includes an in game store where you can buy upgrades to your ship in order to increase performance and get a higher score. For example, you can buy upgrades to get more speed, strength, or resilience. The game also features a bank where you can keep your savings and where you can loan cash in times of need.
Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 15:00
Infans Solaris v1.0 (by Scitalis)
Новость от: Liandri

Аналог классических Asteroids в новой оболочке. Задача игрока - как можно дольше сдерживать растущий поток астероидов на орбите Земли. Имеется поддержка нескольких игроков, несколько видов бонусов и поддержка геймпадов Xbox 360.


Taking inspiration from the classic game Asteroids and other fast-paced games of the genre such as Geometry Wars, Infans Solaris (Latin for "Sun Child") pits 1-4 players in a battle to save Earth and themselves from a lethal barrage of cold, lifeless asteroids. Harnessing future technology, players are able to create blackholes, causing nearby debris to be pulled into an ever-consuming void that grows stronger as more asteroids are pulled in and broken down.
Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 14:30
Lume v1.0 (by State of Play) Win/MacOSX
Новость от: Liandri
Квест-головоломка в необычном стиле, который проекту придали бумажные декорации и ручная съёмка анимаций.
Электричество в домике вашего дедушки отключилось, что вы и должны исправить по сюжету игры. Далее по списку - найти самого дедушку и причину переполоха.

From the makers of the hit Flash and iOS game Headspin: Storybook, Lume is a game with a style unlike any other, with a set built entirely out of paper and cardboard, and all filmed in sumptuous high definition.
Power to your grandad's house has failed. What's more, he's nowhere to be seen. Immerse yourself in Lume's photoreal world, solve perplexing paper puzzles to help restore the power, and uncover a deeper mystery behind the blackout. Beautifully animated with handcrafted care, this illuminating puzzle adventure game will test your visual, aural and memory skills. This game forms Part 1 of a larger, ongoing story.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 14:00
Sanctum v1.1.7730 (by Coffee Stain Studios)
Новость от: Liandri
Оригинальная смесь FPS и tower defense. Выступая в роли элитного солдата, вы должны защитить свою крепость Элизион 1 от нашествий толп монстров неизвестного происхождения. Стройте защитные башни, которые будут помогать вам отражать атаки; стройте стены, чтобы максимально удлинить путь захватчиков; улучшайте собственное вооружение. В игре 3 уникальных уровня, 3 режима сложности, а также атмосферный саундтрек и качественное графическое оформление на основе Unreal Engine 3.

Sanctum is a First Person Shooter Tower Defense where you take the role as Skye, an elite soldier sent out to protect her home town, Elysion One, from hordes of mysterious alien creatures.
To succeed you have to construct and upgrade defensive structures. What makes Sanctum unique from other Tower Defense games is that when the havoc starts, you jump right into the action with your own weapons and play a key role in the defense. Sanctum has taken the best features from First Person Shooters and Tower Defense games to create something totally unique.

Раздел: Игры | 13.06.11 | 11:07
Breaking The Rules: The Roman Tournament v1.0 (by BTR Studios)
Новость от: Liandri
Симулятор драк на улицах Рима. Для участия в кровавых уличных турнирах сошлись самые свирепые бойцы со всего мира. Попробуйте отстоять своё право на звание лучшего, сражайтесь в турнирах или с друзьями, используйте окружающие предметы в качестве оружия! Побеждает последний оставшийся в живых!

Breaking The Rules: The Roman Tournament is a third-person single and multiplayer brawl fighting game. In the city of Rome has been organized a tournament which brings together the most fearsome fighters of the world. Try your hand into a bloody battle completely physic-based.
Defeat your opponents, scale up the charts, play with four friends on your PC, or fight online against up to 12 players. Who will win the title? Who will be the best at "Breaking the rules"? And remember, the last man standing WINS!

Раздел: Игры | 12.06.11 | 22:07
Duke Nukem Forever (2011/ENG/RUS/RePack by R.G. ReCoding)
Новость от: edikbirnt
Приготовьтесь перевоплотиться в самого крутого, безбашенного и отчаянного героя в истории компьютерных и видеоигр. С момента его последнего приключения прошло уже почти десять лет, но игроки всего мира ни на минуту не теряли надежды на новую встречу с ним. И вот их мечты стали реальностью — мир наводнили орды инопланетных захватчиков, а значит — Дюк Нюкем возвращается! Ни подлые копы, ни злобные космические пришельцы, ни гигантские монстры — никто и ничто не собьет отважного мускулистого блондина с пути и не отвлечет от любимого занятия — невозмутимо спасать мир и защищать красоток! Для расправы с супостатами у легендарного крепыша припасен внушительный арсенал огнестрельных игрушек. Зашкаливающий адреналин и беспрецедентная интерактивность — таковы ваши перспективы в компании неподражаемого Дюка! Вперед! Судьба этого мира (уже в который раз!) зависит только от вас!

Put on your shades and prepare to step into the boots of Duke Nukem, whose legend has reached epic proportions in the years since his last adventure. The alien hordes are invading and only Duke can save the world. Pig cops, alien shrink rays and enormous alien bosses can't stop our hero from accomplishing his goal: to save the world, save the babes and to be a bad-ass while doing it. The King arrives with an arsenal of over-the-top weapons, non-stop action, and unprecedented levels of interactivity. This game puts the pedal to the metal and tongue firmly in cheek. Shoot hoops, lift weights, read adult magazines, draw crude messages on whiteboards or ogle the many hot women that occupy Duke's life - that is if you can pull yourself away from destroying alien invaders. With hours and hours of over-the-top single player action, and a range of bodacious multiplayer modes, rest assured knowing the fun will last. Duke Nukem was and will forever be a gaming icon, and this is his legend.
Раздел: Игры | 11.06.11 | 04:07
Beat Hazard Ultra v1.29s (by Cold Beam Games) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa + iTunes & m4a file support
Новость от: Liandri
Суть геймплея похожа на игровой процесс в Audiosurf. Но здесь выбранный игроком трек служит основой для межзвездных баталий в духе старинных клонов Asteroids. Кораблик летает по экрану, отстреливаясь от наседающих со всех сторон врагов, причем мощь его оружия во многом зависит от музыки – чем она интенсивнее, тем ярче и красивее расправа над противниками.

Welcome to a new experience in gameplay mechanics: Beat Hazard. Gameplay Powered by YOUR Music!
Experience your music collection like never before with this intense music driven arcade shooter. Each of your songs will have its own unique ebb and flow based on the music. Power up your spaceship and watch as the music boosts your firepower. Unleash hell on the enemy ships when you max out with weapon pickups! Beat Hazard seamlessly mixes the love of gaming and music. Together they become greater than the sum of their parts.

Раздел: Игры | 09.06.11 | 03:37
Angry Birds Rio v1.1.1 (by Rovio Mobile)
Новость от: Liandri
Angry Birds Rio – продукт партнерства Rovio и 20th Century Fox. Действие происходит в волшебном городе Рио, куда после похищения были доставлены Злые Птички.
В конечном итоге они уходят от похитителей и отправляются спасать своих друзей, Blu и Jewel – редких попугаев и героев мультфилма «Rio» от 20th Century Fox.

The Angry Birds have been captured, caged, and taken to Rio! There they meet new friends, and work together to make their escape from a desolate grey
warehouse to the lush green jungle. Help the Angry Birds escape and beat their captors by bombarding the evil marmosets and smashing all obstacles in the way!

Раздел: Игры | 09.06.11 | 02:09
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