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Microsoft Windows Vista Step by Step
Новость от: Unipredator
The smart way to learn the latest version of Microsoft Windowsone step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to master the fundamentals of working with Windows Vista, including how to navigate the new user interface and how to use the new search features for finding anything on your desktop. You will learn how to manage files and folders to simplify your work, easily add or remove programs, hook up printers and other devices, and set up your Internet connection, email, and instant messaging. You will also discover how to use security-enhanced features to help protect your PC, as well as how to share your computer while still helping keep personal settings and files private.
Раздел: Книги | 07.03.07 | 18:20
Справочник лекарственных средств 2007
Новость от: M Yuriy M
«Справочник лекарственных средств» содержит информацию по 12 тысячам лекарственных средств, включая синонимы названий.
С помощью этой программы Вы без труда сможете найти лекарства необходимые для лечения указанного Вами заболевания.
Все лекарства разнесены по фармакологическим группам.

Раздел: Книги | 06.03.07 | 05:39
Photoshop All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Новость от: Fizzer

* What the book covers: Photoshop fundamentals, getting to know the tool palette, specifying size and resolution, using and managing color, making selections, modifying and transforming selections and paths, painting and drawing with Photoshop, creating and editing type, working with layers, using channels, quick and dirty masking techniques, making corrections with filters, distorting with the liquify command, enhancing images with adjustments, fixing flaws and removing what’s not wanted, prepping graphics for print, creating contact sheets and picture packages, prepping graphics for the Web, and more. Includes both Windows and Mac coverage.
* Updated coverage of the new version: This new edition will have approximately 20-30% new content, covering the new features and enhancements made in the latest version of Photoshop.
* Series features: Information presented in the straightforward but fun language that has defined the Dummies series for fifteen years.

Раздел: Книги | 04.03.07 | 18:42
WAP, Bluetooth, and 3G Programming: Cracking the Code
Новость от: Fizzer

This book brings you complete web application with design specifications, flow diagrams, and source code with line-by-line explanation. You'll build a completely functional web application and make it available to a wide range of devices. Cracking the Code includes coverage of client access from i-mode enabled devices, voice-enabled devices, WAP and HDML devices, and various cross-platform GUIs. The technologies covered include XML, XSLT, cHTML, HDML, XUL (XML-based user interfaces,) and Voice XML.
Emphasis on the code with minimum theory. All applications come complete with design specifications, flow diagrams and source code with line-by-line explanations.

Раздел: Книги | 03.03.07 | 15:53
Prabhakar, Chaganti, "Google Web Toolkit: GWT Java Ajax Programming"
Новость от: Fizzer

The book is aimed at programmers who want to use GWT to create interfaces for their professional web applications. It concentrates on the serious side of AJAX: creating powerful, productive applications for browser platforms. GWT AJAX Programming shows you how to create reliable user interfaces that enhance the user experience.
GWT is an open source Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language. Writing dynamic web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process; you spend 90% of your time working around subtle incompatibilities between web browsers and platforms, and JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing, testing, and reusing AJAX components difficult and fragile.
GWT lets you avoid many of these headaches while offering your users the same dynamic, standards-compliant experience. You write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.

Раздел: Книги | 03.03.07 | 12:29
William von Hagen, "Ubuntu Linux Bible"
Новость от: Fizzer

It's the fastest-growing, coolest Linux distribution out there, and now you can join the excitement with this information-packed guide. Want to edit graphics? Create a spreadsheet? Manage groups? Set up an NFS server? You'll learn it all and more with the expert guidance, tips, and techniques in this first-ever soup-to-nuts book on Ubuntu. From the basics for newcomers to enterprise management for system administrators, it's what you need to succeed with Ubuntu.

* Master the fundamentals for desktop and networks;
* Send e-mail, share files, edit text, and print;
* Download music, watch DVDs, and play games;
* Use Ubuntu on laptops, go wireless, or synch it with your PDA;
* Set up Web, mail, print, DNS, DHCP, and other servers;
* Manage groups and secure your network.

Раздел: Книги | 02.03.07 | 21:46
Apress - Pro Wicket (Expert's Voice in Java)
Новость от: QoSyS

Title : Pro Wicket (Expert's Voice in Java) (Hardcover)
Author : by Karthik Gurumurthy
Publisher : Apress publisher
Isbn : 1590597222
Language : English

Wicket is an open source, component-oriented (POJOs-based), lightweight Java web application development framework that brings the Java Swing event-based programming model to web development. Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed, and later revised using standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools.

Wicket provides stateful components, thereby improving productivity. It has an architecture and rich component suite that aims to bring back the object orientation and, more importantly, the fun that is missing from the Java web development space. With the impending 1.2 release, Wicket is set for wider adoption.

Pro Wicket gets you up and running quickly with this framework. You'll learn how to configure Wicket, then gradually gain exposure to the "Wicket way" of addressing web development requirements. You'll want to pick up a copy because it

* Is the first book to cover the Wicket framework with Spring integration and Ajax features
* Demonstrates all major wicket capabilities through simple examples
* Covers important aspects like Wicket-Spring integration and Ajax support

Раздел: Книги | 02.03.07 | 20:45
"Секреты компьютерного шпионажа. Тактика и контрмеры." Дж. Макнамара
Новость от: Fizzer

Обсуждаются средства и методы, которые применяются любителями и профессионалами в сфере компьютерного шпионажа, а также контрмеры, предназначенные для борьбы с ними.
Приводятся общие концепции и технологии, пригодные для использования на любых компьютерных системах, поэтому пользователи Windows, Linux, OpenBSD и MacOs найдут книгу полезной для себя.
Для пользователей персональных компьютеров, системных администраторов и всех, кто намерен защитить свои компьютеры от возможных посягательств.

Раздел: Книги | 02.03.07 | 20:30
Linux Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to Linux Certification Skills
Новость от: QoSyS

Title : Linux Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to Linux Certification Skills (Paperback)
Author : by Roderick W. Smith
Publisher : Sybex publisher
Isbn : 0470083484
Language : English

Develop the skills you need in the real world

Hit the ground running with the street-smart training you'll find in this practical book. Using a "year in the life" approach, it gives you an inside look at Linux administration, with key information organized around the actual day-to-day tasks, scenarios, and challenges you'll face in the field. This valuable training tool is loaded with hands-on, step-by-step exercises covering all phases of Linux administration, including:
* Working on the command line
* Configuring hardware and the kernel
* Managing software and processes
* Documenting the system
* Working with partitions and file systems
* Configuring network features
* Managing security

Раздел: Книги | 01.03.07 | 01:17
The Complete Guide to Aquariums set
Новость от: Fizzer
"The Complete Guide to Aquariums", "Tropical Fish Secrets" and "A-Z Fish Diseases".

The word aquarium originates from the ancient Latin language, “aqua” meaning water and the suffix “rium” meaning place or building. Aquariums are beautiful and look good anywhere!

Home aquariums are becoming more and more popular, it is a hobby that many people are flocking too and fish shops are on the rise. Fish are generally easy to keep although do they need quite a bit of attention. Puppies and kittens were the typical pet but now fish are becoming more and more frequent in house holds. In recent years fish shops have noticed a great increase in the rise of people wanting to purchase aquariums and fish, the boom has been great for local shops as the fish industry hasn’t been such a great industry before now.

Home aquariums can be as small and simple as you like or they can be huge and intensive set ups that require hours each week of maintenance. A home aquarium can be a great experience for all the family and it is something that they can all join in, although keep the children away from the poisonous fish, and the fish waste!

Раздел: Книги | 26.02.07 | 18:29
"Internet Security: A Jumpstart for Systems Administrators and IT Managers" by Tim Speed and Juanita Ellis
Новость от: Fizzer

This book provides the latest information on how to guard against attacks and informs IT managers of the products that can detect and prevent break-ins.

Раздел: Книги | 26.02.07 | 17:18
Amazing Vegetarian Recipes
Новость от: Fizzer

This new eBook contains over 600 mouth watering recipes with secrets and advice to help you achieve vegetarian cooking mastery.

Раздел: Книги | 25.02.07 | 18:16
"ArchiCAD 10 на примерах" Кустова Е.В., Иванова О.М.
Новость от: Fizzer

Руководство состоит из отдельных уроков, содержащих теоретические и практические сведения по созданию элементов модели с помощью программы для архитектурно-строительного проектирования ArchiCAD 10.
На примере построения коттеджа рассматриваются команды создания элементов модели виртуального здания, методы редактирования элементов и вывода готового проекта на печать.
Подробно даны способы визуализации модели, что позволяет рассматривать объекты снаружи и изнутри, а также с неподвижных точек и в движении.
Каждый из уроков содержит множество иллюстраций, что облегчает понимание как интерфейса программы, так и работы в ней.

Раздел: Книги | 25.02.07 | 17:06
Сборник рускоязычной документации по Autocad2007
Новость от: Fizzer

- Как построить свой мир- Концептуальное проектирование и визуализация в AutoCAD®
- Краткий справочник
- Руководство по драйверам и периферийным устройствам
- Руководство по началу работы
- Руководство по однопользовательской установке
- Руководство по однопользовательскому лицензированию
- Руководство по сетевому администрированию
- Руководство пользователя
- Руководство сетевого администратора
- Создание своего мира
- Краткий справочник
- Справочник команд

Раздел: Книги | 24.02.07 | 17:17
Canadian Living «Healthy Eating For Life» Cookbook
Новость от: Fizzer

OVER 125 delicious good-for-you recipes developed in the Canadian Living and Coup de Pouce test kitchens are on the CD in both English and French. These great tasting, nutritious recipes include entrees, soups, salads, appetizers, vegetable dishes, desserts, drinks and more!

Раздел: Книги | 24.02.07 | 16:36
Рисуем 50
Новость от: Fizzer

Содержит пошаговые инструкции для практического рисования различных птиц - домашних и диких, привычных глазу и экзотических, летающих, водоплавающих и бегающих - в процессе освоения искусства черно-белой и полутоновой графики.

Поэтапный метод рисования пещерных людей, королей, ацтеков, викингов, клоунов, солдат, людей различных национальностей и многих других.

Раздел: Книги | 22.02.07 | 23:24
InDesign Type: Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2
Новость от: Fizzer

It's no mystery why InDesign has become the premier page layout program: It offers great tools-not least among them its sophisticated typographic controls. Here to show you how to take advantage of them is the first book devoted solely to that topic. Whether you're a graphics pros migrating from InDesign's long-entrenched competitor QuarkXPress or a hobbyists producing fancy invites and book-length projects, you'll appreciate this guide's finely tuned focus on everything typographic. Realizing that to take full advantage of InDesign's typographic tools, you must understand the principles guiding their use, author Nigel French addresses both the whys and the hows of good typography. Using practical examples, and loads of tips, Nigel provides a comprehensive overview of all of InDesign's type features, including the Paragraph Composer, optical kerning, and its support for OpenType fonts. Starting with character formats and then moving through paragraph formats, styles and effects, and layouts, you'll have gained all the skills they need to produce beautiful type by the end of the volume.
Раздел: Книги | 20.02.07 | 22:13
Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft)) by Judy Lemke
Новость от: Fizzer
The smart way to learn Microsoft Office Visio 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting tips to master the fundamentals of working with the latest version of Office Visio. Youll discover how to create and format shapes and diagrams, create project schedules with Gantt charts, create organization charts, and lay out office spaces. Youll also learn the basics of creating network diagrams, integrating data with your diagrams, and analyzing data with PivotDiagrams. Youll also master building your own templates as well as integrating Visio diagrams into other Office documents. With Step by Step, you can take just the lessons you need, or work from cover to cover. Either way, you drive the instruction!

Key Book Benefits:
-Describes how to navigate the new user interface
-Includes a quick reference card to new features in Visio 2007
-Lets you take just the lessons you need or work from cover to cover--you set the pace
-Includes coverage of all the fundamentals, including creating diagrams, business drawings, organization charts, and more
-Features easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on skill-building exercises
-Includes an easy-to-use companion CD with practice files and other resources

Раздел: Книги | 20.02.07 | 21:34
"Аэрография для художников" Хозе М. Паррамон, Микель Феррон
Новость от: Fizzer

В книге рассказывается о живописи аэрографом, дается его описание, информация о материалах и принадлежностях, необходимых для работы этим инструментом из арсенала художника. Здесь читатель найдет также сведения об основах живописи, перспективе, светотени, пропорциях, цветовой гармонии, контрасте.
Адресована профессиональным художникам, студентам художественных вузов, учащимся художественных училищ, всем, кто интересуется живописью.
"АЭРОГРАФ – инструмент, используемый… для разбрызгивания краски или лака посредством сжатого воздуха. Аэрограф удобен для покрытия колером больших плоскостей, создания оттенков цвета или проведения сверхтонких линий» (Оксфордский справочник искусств)
Эта уникальная книга содержит подробное обозрение различных видов аэрографов; анализ наиболее ходовых цветов, используемых в живописи аэрографов; информацию о вспомогательных материалах , бумагах, холстах и масках; приемы переноса фотографического изображения с поэтапным объяснением процесса; описание материалов и технических приемов, применяемых шестью известными известными мастерами аэрографии; упражнения с применением различных аэрографов, требующих различной техники: свободный рисунок «от руки», трактовка технического образа, отражения, изображение человеческого тела"

Раздел: Книги | 19.02.07 | 22:16
Приемы стрельбы из пистолета
Новость от: Fizzer

Практическое пособие по обучению стрельбе из боевых пистолетов в различных условиях. Пособие составлено на базе боевых инструкций советской военной контрразведки СМЕРШ времен Великой Отечественной войны и современной практики спецподразделений. Книга предназначена для подготовки оперативно-следственного состава правоохранительных органов, офицеров спецподразделений МВД, армии и флота, частных детективов, охранников и телохранителей.

Раздел: Книги | 18.02.07 | 13:29
Натюрморт. Руководство по технике освещения
Новость от: Fizzer

Книга рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей. Она, несомненно, привлечет внимание фотографов-профессионалов, включая и тех, кто уже освоил эту область, и тех, кто только собирается это сделать. Для студентов она станет источником практических советов, идей и вдохновения, которые они вряд ли смогут почерпнуть даже в самых престижных учебных заведениях. Художники-постановщики и другие деятели искусства будут обязаны ей не только новыми творческими замыслами, но и своим умением точно формулировать задачу фотографу и общаться с ним на "языке фотографии". А для тех, кто находится на "распутье" между любительской и коммерческой фотографией, она окажется настоящим "Клондайком", так как `поведает` им не только о том, к чему должен стремиться фотограф, но и какими средствами он может этого добиться.
Раздел: Книги | 18.02.07 | 13:10
Hacking GoogleMaps and GoogleEarth
Новость от: Fizzer

This one-of-a-kind resource contains 500 pages of jaw-dropping hacks, mods, and customizations. These include creating mashups with data from other sources such as Flickr, building a space station tracker, hacking Maps with Firefox PiggyBank, and building a complete community site with Maps and Earth. Now you can map out locations, get driving directions, zoom into any point on the globe, display real time traffic, and much more.

Раздел: Книги | 17.02.07 | 15:48
Access 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual
Новость от: Fizzer
This fast-paced book teaches you the basics of Access 2007 so you can start using this popular database program right away. You'll learn how to work with Access' most useful features to design databases, maintain them, search for valuable nuggets of information, and build attractive forms for quick-and-easy data entry.
The new Access is radically different from previous versions, but with this book, you'll breeze through the new interface and its timesaving features in no time with:
* Clear explanations
* Step-by-step instructions
* Lots of illustrations
* Larger type
* Plenty of friendly advice
Ideal for small businesses and households, Access runs on PCs and manages large stores information, including numbers, pages of text, and pictures -- everything from a list of family phone numbers to an enormous product catalog. Unfortunately, each new version of the program crammed in yet another set of features -- so many that even the pros don't know where to find them all. Access 2007 breaks the mold: Microsoft changed the user interface by designing a tabbed toolbar that makes features easy to locate.
One thing that hasn't improved is Microsoft's documentation. Even if you find the features you need, you still may not know what to do with them. Access 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual is the perfect primer for small businesses with no techie to turn to, as well as those who want to organize household and office information.
Раздел: Книги | 12.02.07 | 20:14
Playboy March 2007
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Книги | 10.02.07 | 20:00
Руководство по Windows Vista на русском языке
Новость от: Fizzer

Руководство по Windows Vista содержит всестороннее описание инновационных особенностей и функций, благодаря которым операционная система Microsoft® Windows Vista™ является следующим поколением клиентских операционных систем Windows и логическим продолжением операционной системы Windows XP. В этом руководстве также представлены сведения о преимуществах, которые Windows Vista предоставляет разным группам пользователей, а также сведения о существующих версиях операционной системы.

Раздел: Книги | 06.02.07 | 21:58
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