Anthemion Jutoh 3.21.13
Jutoh - digital publishing for everyone. From brainwave to best-seller, Jutoh is your digital publishing assistant. Create top-quality fiction and non-fiction e-books - novels, self-help guides, poetry, children's books, autobiographies, and more. Convert your existing book or create it from scratch in Jutoh; edit and format; and output to Kindle, ePub, print, and even speech!
Languages: Multilingual | File Size: 134 MB
Jutoh – цифровое издательство для всех. От мозговой волны до бестселлера — Джуто — ваш помощник в сфере цифровых публикаций. Создавайте высококачественные художественные и научно-популярные электронные книги — романы, руководства по самосовершенствованию, стихи, детские книги, автобиографии и многое другое. Преобразуйте существующую книгу или создайте ее с нуля в Jutoh; редактировать и форматировать; и вывод в Kindle, ePub, печать и даже речь!
Import your Word, ODT, ePub or text file into Jutoh and tweak the content and formatting. Jutoh will import pictures, tables and Word fields, and will split your book into chapters.
Compile your book to Kindle, ePub 2/3, ODT (for PDF creation), HTML, text, Markdown, CBZ and MP3. Upload to Amazon, Apple, Kobo, B&N, and more. Fixed layout and reflowable Kindle and ePub books are supported.
Use the editor and styles to perfect your formatting. Jutoh provides many tools to help, including the Inspector tool, Find and Replace, Document Cleanup, support for footnotes, tables of contents, indexes and bibliographies, and much more.
Use the editor and styles to perfect your formatting. Jutoh provides many tools to help, including the Inspector tool, Find and Replace, Document Cleanup, support for footnotes, tables of contents, indexes and bibliographies, and much more.
Jutoh comes with several creativity tools: the storyboard for planning, the writing prompt for exercising your writing muscle, writing goals for setting word count targets, and a character name generator. Plus, organise your thoughts and research in scraps.
Jutoh has hundreds of searchable 'knowledge base' articles for helping with using the software and solving problems. Jutoh also comes with a book Fiction: The Facts by novelist Harriet Smart, 40 further writing topics, and a selection of inspiring writing quotations.
Jutoh Benefits
Jutoh puts you in control
Instead of paying to outsource your manuscript formatting, you can do it yourself and put yourself in control of editing, formatting and publication. Or, ask your editing service to supply a Jutoh project that you can later edit if you need to. Many editing services and small publishers are already using Jutoh.
You also get far more scope to create a professional result compared with working with a word processor file; Jutoh's tools alert you of problems and allow refinement that a conventional word processor and simple file conversion can't give you. You've put in a lot of effort to get this far - don't compromise your book now!
Jutoh caters for all your format needs
With Jutoh, you don't need to edit your book multiple times for different ebook platforms.
Jutoh creates ebooks in Epub 2 and Epub 3, Kindle (Mobipocket), HTML, CBZ and plain text formats. Epub and Kindle cover most requirements - Epub is the standard with the most support from ebook reader manufacturers and publishers, including Apple, Google, Barnes & Noble and Kobo, while Mobipocket covers Amazon's Kindle platform.
Jutoh also creates OpenDocument (ODT) files, which you can open directly using OpenOffice or LibreOffice to create PDF or other linear formats. This is handy for targeting print-on-demand services - and Jutoh projects can be set up for print-on-demand through the use of page styles and other print-specific features. ODT files can be optimized for submission to the popular Smashwords platform.
Create as many books as you like
Unlike some solutions, Jutoh is a one-off purchase - no subscription, and no payments per book. Jutoh isn't 'cloud-based' so everything is local to your computer to put you in full control. If you want to come back to Jutoh in a year's time, you won't have to pay again - just download the latest version, and use your existing key.
Designed specifically for ebooks
Jutoh is designed for editing ebooks, so unlike a one-off file converter or conventional word processor, Jutoh gives you the tools to create the best possible ebook, generating clean code that will work on the greatest number of ebook platforms. Jutoh creates code to work around bugs and quirks in the ebook ereaders themselves.
Jutoh helps you import existing content
Jutoh helps you import existing content, whether from a word processor file, HTML files or even an existing ebook. You can decide how to split up a document into sections, using either styles in the document or a pattern that matches section headings. This makes creating your ebooks as quick and painless as possible.
Imported Epub/HTML content will be simplified as Jutoh does not retain all the original CSS - however import from DOCX and ODT, Jutoh's recommended import formats, preserves most styles.
Jutoh analyses your project and gives advice
Jutoh analyses your book during compilation, showing errors, warnings and tips. The advice Jutoh may give about your project includes: very large images, non-standard body text size, line spacing, blank paragraphs, accidental line breaks, direct formatting, problematic colour formatting, unused embedded fonts, large tables, unresolved links, and missing table of contents.
Along with each tip, Jutoh often gives quick links allowing you to locate the problem formatting or to find out more about it. This means that Jutoh goes far beyond just converting your book: it will give you the essential information and tools you need to improve your formatting, in order to produce the high quality ebook that your work deserves.
Jutoh helps your craft and creativity
You don't have to be a fiction author to use Jutoh, but if you are, Jutoh goes the extra mile to help your creativity.
Jutoh includes the fiction-writing how-to guide Fiction: The Facts, written by Harriet Smart, the author of sixteen novels including the Northminster Mysteries. In addition, there are 40 'Writing Recipes' containing valuable writing tips.
Motivate yourself with Writing Goals, and keep your writing muscle in peak form with the Writing Prompt feature.
Jutoh helps you store related material
Jutoh lets you store text, picture, and web notes together with the book content. So if you're writing or editing your ebook within Jutoh, you can easily refer to your notes or store text that doesn't yet have a place; or you can create scrapbooks of inspirational material.
Jutoh creates accessible documents
Jutoh can create MP3 audio files using a variety of text-to-speech systems, and has facilities for marking up text to improve pronunciation, pauses and other aspects of speech. Broaden your audience by providing your readers with a Speech Archive file which readers can turn into an audio book using the Jutoh demo.
Jutoh's Epub 3 support, adding semantic and structural information to a document, allows easier navigation of books by users with visual impairments.
Jutoh can also increase text size throughout an exported ebook or word processor file without changing the original document, making it easy to export large print documents by simply selecting a configuration and pressing Compile.
Jutoh is speedy
Jutoh is written in C++ so runs at top speed - no frustrating delays.
Fast to import your existing content, whether in text, HTML, Word DOCX, or OpenDocument.
Fast to create your Epub, Kindle or other format.
Fast to edit content and switch between variations of your ebooks.
Jutoh is multi-platform
Jutoh runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and you can easily copy your files between machines of different kinds. One licence can be used on multiple operating systems simultaneously; and rest assured that if you buy a different kind of desktop or laptop, you don't have to leave your way of working behind and buy new software.
Jutoh makes it easy to create ebook variations rapidly
Thanks to Jutoh's configurations, you can describe differences between versions of your book - for example, a different cover, title page, ISBN, links to other books, or formatting - all without needing separate projects. Just select a different configuration and click Compile. This is invaluable when you are distributing ebooks using different sites with slightly different requirements, and you can also use it to create samples for your own web site.
Built-in Epub checking gives you confidence
Jutoh installs the third-party EpubCheck checker program, so you can easily check your Epub book for internal errors or problems that might arise with specific readers. Jutoh will show the errors in context using its built-in Epub source viewer, with helpful tips to help you understand the errors.
Jutoh support is responsive and ready to help
We're a small company so when you ask for technical help, you're talking to the developer - and we're keen to make sure your experience is as smooth as possible. We improve Jutoh all the time in response to user feedback, and it's common for us to quickly make private releases to help with a user's specific problem. This way, we keep our users happy and we get to improve Jutoh for other users.
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Anthemion Jutoh 3.21.13 + Keygen-AMPED
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