BlueHarvest 8.4.0 macOS
Languages: Multilingual | File Size: 7 MB
BlueHarvest is an exterminator for your Mac's unnecessary Desktop Service Store (DS_Store) and resource fork (_AppleDouble) files. Whether you manage a version control system or just want to maximize your available memory, DS_Store and _AppleDouble files are a nuisance. Get BlueHarvest, and give those superfluous files the boot.
BlueHarvest — это средство удаления ненужных файлов Desktop Service Store (DS_Store) и ветки ресурсов (_AppleDouble) вашего Mac. Независимо от того, управляете ли вы системой контроля версий или просто хотите максимально увеличить доступную память, файлы DS_Store и _AppleDouble доставляют неудобства. Загрузите BlueHarvest и загрузите эти лишние файлы.
A clean Mac is a happy Mac
- Keep it clean. Blue Harvest does more than remove existing files – it blocks new ones from being created.
- Easy interface. With BlueHarvest, a less cluttered Mac is only two clicks away.
- Instant access. Want to clean up a folder without launching BlueHarvest? Simply control-click.
Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.15 or later
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BlueHarvest 8.4.0 macOS by TNT
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